Measuring instrument used for trades are regulated by law in each economy in this world. Each instrument shall pass certain criteria and requirement before it can be allowed to be used for trades. Software which is now became one of the most essential part of the instrument itself, isn’t sufficiently controlled.
Data collected from a survey in 2017 has shown that most economies in South-East Asia are still having difficulties in examining software for measuring instruments due to several technical constraints such as 1) lack of knowledge and experience on software testing; 2) no developed procedure and 3) insufficient facility (Muhammad Azwan Ibrahim et. al 2018). In the latest Asia Pacific Legal Metrology Forum (APLMF) report, insufficient knowledge on the software part of the instruments opened up possibilities of the instruments being manipulated [25th Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum and Working Group Meetings].
Hence, the workshop will try to address the top two issues stated above by exposing the participants of each economy on technical-know-how in examination of software for regulated instruments. Furthermore, the training materials will help the participants to understand the knowledge in an interesting and structured way.
As devices related to weight and measuring instruments are widely used for trades among APEC economies (i.e. digital scale, weighbridges, electricity meter); attracting attackers to exploit the devices software as well as the embedded code in order to gain revenue illegally.
Tampering of digital devices would heavily affect two parties: 1) relevant authorities in APEC economies, as the gain of trade tax would be tremendously reduced; and 2) consumers, since they have to pay more than the actual price. Hence, securing digital devices with secure software will directly benefit both parties, in which it will accurately reflect the actual value and promote fair trade, as well as recognizing the compliance of the devices among APEC member economies.
This workshop also helps to achieve common understanding and practices in regulating software within the APEC economies as software which has passed certification from any economy within APEC can be accepted by another without much difficulty. This would help to boost the confidence and remove barrier for trades among APEC economies.
VIPs during Opening Ceremony

Prof. Dato’ Ir. Dr. Hj. Abdul Wahab Mohammad
Deputy Vice-Chancellor(Research and Innovation),
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

Dato’ Dr. Ahmad Sabirin Arshad
President and Group Chief Executive,SIRIM Berhad

Dr. Osman Zakaria
President,Asia-Pacific Legal Metrology Forum