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My computer became infected with a virus as a result of   Q7   13 (61.9)   5(23.8)   3(14.3)
                    visiting a website.

           Table 4, the spam mail incidences that are experienced by cyber café operators within the year. It shows
        below, among the incidences that experienced within the cybercafé in Sokoto and Kebbi, after grouping the
        incidences, 12 of the 35 respondents in Kebbi indicated that they had experienced spam mail than cybercafé.
        Only nine respondents in Sokoto experienced spam mails, among other incidences. There is also an indication
        of denial of service, theft of computer services, and virus or worm attack incidences experienced in cyber café
        in Sokoto than Kebbi.

        Table 4.  Factors of Cybercrime experienced in Sokoto and Kebbi States
            S/No.     Cyber Crime Incidences Experienced    No. of Respondents in Sokoto   No. of Respondents in Kebbi
            1.        Spam mail                           9                       12
            2.        Denial of service                   7                       3
            3.        Hacking                             5                       2
            4.        Identity theft                      2                       1
            5.        Computer crashing                   5                       2
            6.        Theft of computer services          7                       5
            7.        Virus or worm attack                7                       6
            8.        Trojan or root-kit attack           2                       4
                                           Total          44                      35

        5. Conclusion

           The research findings revealed that there is knowledge about computer cybercrimes among the two States
        operator, out of which only 22(78.6%) and 18(85.7&) respondents from Sokoto and Kebbi respectively were
        aware  of  the  various  computer  crimes  exposed  to  while  working  online. Due  to  minimum  protection  or
        negligence on the cyber threats, there are high risks of attacks in most cybercafés across the two states (Kebbi
        with 90.4% and Sokoto  with 89.2%). Both states experience high rates of computer virus attacks on their
        hardware, software installations, and files and data. Cybercrime activities need to be checked and quickly
        addressed as they affect  small-scale businesses (cybercafé  owners) and the general public. Addressing the
        menace of cybercrime should involve a holistic approach from all stakeholders  – users, operators, internet
        service  providers,  cybersecurity  agencies,  and  the  government.  Therefore,  there  is  a  need  to  begin  public
        enlightenment campaigns on cybersecurity and best practices, provide adequate and affordable tools to prevent
        cyber-attacks and information theft, create an enabling environment for the operators, and create appropriate
        laws to combat cybercrime perpetrators.
           Further measures shall be put in place to enhance preparedness for handling risks of computer crimes among
        the general public. The availability and price of antivirus and other software meant to enhance the preparedness
        levels  should  be  made  accessible.  This  way,  it  will  be  easier  for  the  general  public  members  to  prepare
        adequately to deal with threats of computer crimes. Educating the general public on how they should safeguard
        their information when going online should also be undertaken regularly. It would be essential to carry out
        group  discussions  with  the  internet  managers  and  end-users  to  determine  the  extent  of  awareness  and
        preparedness about computer crimes; this is rather than relying only on the self-administered questionnaire to
        assess the level of understanding and preparedness. This way, issues that are likely to be confusing are sorted
        out and clarified in data collection.

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        Journal of Cyber Criminology
        Ajeet, S. P. (2014). Cyber Crime: Challenges and its Classification. International Journal of Emerging Trends
        & Technology in Computer Science (IJETTCS), Vol. 3 (6). Available:

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [114]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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