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certification recording system. Further, the information found will be displayed on the android smartphone
        screen. The information displayed is the name of the product, the product manufacturer and the status of the
        product's halal certification, and other information.

        Fig. 1. The block diagram of halal product reading application

        3.  Result

           The product halal certification recording system has two main menus, namely Data users and Data product
        menus as shown in Fig. 2. It is used to input data by an admin.  Admin will enter a list of users who can operate
        this system. And also admin can input data products that have certificate ID. Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 show displays of
        data user menu and data product menu respectively.

        Fig. 2. Display of dashboard menu

        Fig. 3. Display of data user menu

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [148]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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