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creates  user-item  embeddings  and  computes  user-item  similarity  matching  scores  (X.  He,  2017).  The
        representation learning approach learns much richer user-item representations (Wu. L, 2019). The advantages
        of using DL for representation learning are twofold: (1) it reduces the efforts in handcraft feature design; and
        (2) enables recommendation models to include heterogeneous content information such as text, images, audio,
        and video. Deep representation learning helps to improve the search and recommendation performance but lacks
        transparency and explainability. The recommendations are hardly explainable to system designers/users.

        2.2.3. Knowledge Graph
           After LFM, the next big effort in the recommendation engine is the applicability of the KG. The KG improves
        prediction accuracy and enhances the explainability of the models. KG embeddings (KGE) have started leading
        the effort in explainable recommendation engines. Few researchers start focusing on TransE (Bordes, 2013)
        and  node2vec  (Grover,  2016)  models.  The  objective  of  KGE  is  to  find  the  similarity  between  entities  by
        calculating their representation distance (Zhang F., 2016). The main issue with KGE models is that they produce
        black-box recommendations. Ai et al.  2018 enhanced the  CF approach over KGE and later adopted a soft
        matching algorithm to find explanation paths between users and items. Here the explanation is not produced
        according to the reasoning process, but it is a post-hoc explanation. It is computationally expensive to traverse
        all the paths between a user-item node pair for similarity calculation in real world KG.

        2.2.4. Reinforcement Learning
           RL is another big area, and many successful applications belong to this area e.g. AlphaGo (D Silver, 2016),
        self-driving cars (Chopra, 2020) etc. It works under the framework of State, Agent, and Actions. In every state,
        the agent takes an appropriate action to maximize the rewards and go to another state. This framework belongs
        to an environment and demonstrates the ability of the agent to understand the high-level causal relationships.
        Xian  et  al.,  2019  proposed  a  RL  model  for  pathfinding  to  address  the  KG  traversal  issue  for  explainable
        recommendations. In the training  stage, the agent  finds the right user-item path  with high rewards. In the
        inference stage, the agent will use the high reward path for recommendations. It thus addresses the issue of
        enumerating all the paths between user-item pairs. Using RL for recommendation is a fairly novel field.

        2.2.5. Language Models
           Large-scale pre-trained language models  like OpenAI GPT and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
        Transformer (BERT) have achieved great performance on a variety of language tasks using generic model
        architectures. Language models like BERT, GPT, ELMO, and many others are the main drivers for having
        semantic implementations and have a great scope in the recommendation engine (Shaoxiong, 2021). (Fei Sun,
        2019) explained the sequential recommendation by using BERT. The research of generating natural language
        (NLG) explanation is still in its early stage, and LM have a great scope in enhancing the same.

        3. Conclusion

           Explainable recommendation, which provides explanations about the recommendations made to the user,
        has attracted increasing attention due to its ability in helping users make better decisions and increasing users’
        trust in the system. The idea of this paper is to understand various implementation approaches, their merits, and
        demerits for the successful implementation of an explainable recommendation engine.
           Content and CF algorithms are the early approaches for developing recommendation engines. CB algorithms
        define user preferences based on the content information and the user’s past interaction with the system. The
        model can capture the user-specific interests and recommend niche items. The main demerit with this algorithm
        is the domain-specific nature of the recommendation. CF algorithms have addressed this domain-specific issue.
        This algorithm is mainly using the wisdom of the crowd. The main demerits associated with CF algorithms are
        the cold-start problem and lesser explainability power than CB algorithms.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [160]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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