Page 182 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 182

Step -1: Convert each character in plaintext to their equivalent ASCII value (example: character A equals
        65 in ASCII).
           Step -2: Convert each ASCII value into binary format (example: 65 in ASCII equals 01000001 in binary).
           Step -3: Convert every two binary values to one DNA character (either A, C, G, or T) based on table 1
        (example: 00 in binary equals A as DNA character).

        Table 1. Binary to DNA table
                                      Binary                   DNA
                                        00                      A
                                        01                      C
                                        10                      G
                                        11                      T

           Step -4: Convert each DNA character to their complementary DNA character. Every A character is replaced
        with T and vice versa. Every C character is replaced with G and vice versa (example: the complementary DNA
        for character A equals T).
           Step -5: Convert each DNA character to their equivalent RNA character. The only change is by converting
        a DNA character that equal to T to its equivalent RNA character that equal to U (example: the RNA for character
        T is equal to U).
           Step -6: Convert each three RNA characters to amino acid value based on Table 2 (example: the amino acid
        for character A equals UUU or UUC). The amino acid table is built based on the amino acid idea shown in Fig
        2 (Smith, 2008).

        Fig. 2. Amino acids for RNA codons

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [169]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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