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alternative in selecting a suitable weight initialization strategy that can produce consistent results over the wide
        range of datasets.

        2. Related Works

           The rise of research papers discussing weight initialization technique have led to various introduction of
        image filters in the deep learning environment. Many initialization techniques have been proposed such as zeros
        or identity initialization and random initialization (Li et al., 2020). Due to problems faced when applying the
        standard weight initialization strategy, this motivates other researchers to investigate other image filters such as
        PCA filter and LDA filter. LDA differs from PCA where, LDA aims to look for the components that maximize
        the class separation which requires class labels while, PCA aims to extract components that maximize the
        variance in the dataset (Alberti et al., 2017).
           PCA initialization network has been thoroughly investigated by various works such as PCANet proposed by
        (Chan et al., 2015). Other works, such as 2-dimensional PCA weight initialization with parametric equalization
        normalization by (Wang et al., 2020), implementing PCA-initialized LeNet-5 model for image classification
        (Ren et al., 2016) and vehicular image classification with PCA CNN proposed by (Soon et al., 2020). With the
        increasing number of PCA initialization in deep learning, this shows promising future in using PCA filters in
        the convolutional layer. In this work, variant of PCA filters will be introduced and applied as an initialization
        strategy on LeNet-5 model and AlexNet model. The results showed that, PCA variant initialization is able to
        obtain consistent results and is highly robust towards any changes in the employed image dataset.

        3. PCA Variant Initialization
           The generated PCA variant filters will be inserted in the first convolutional layer of LeNet-5 and AlexNet
        model  which  will  then  be  evaluated  on  numerous  image  datasets.  Suppose  that  there  are    input  training
        images, {   }      of dimension    × ℎ and the patch or sliding window size is    ×   .
        3.1. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) filters

           The process of generating PCA filter will utilize rectangular window,     and it will be moved over the test
        image B (   × ℎ) with a pre-defined step horizontally and then vertically to obtain sub-images,    . The test
        image B (   × ℎ) at horizontal position    ∈ {0, … ,    − 1} and vertical position    ∈ {0, … , ℎ − 1} while, the
        sliding window     (   ×   ) at position    ∈ {0, … ,    − 1} and position    ∈ {0, … , ℎ − 1}.
           The weighting of the pixels for each sub-image,     is a product of multiplying the pixel values and the
        specific window weights,     at the associated window locations. The window weights of rectangular window
            and corresponding sub-image     can be obtained based on equation (1) and equation (2) respectively,


           The  collected  non-overlapping  sub-images  of  the   -th  image,    ,    , … ,      ,  ℎ ̂ ∈ ℝ   ×    where  each   
        denotes the   -th vectorized patch in     and    =    − ( ) , ℎ = ℎ − ( ). Each image vector is then normalized
                                                    2          2
        by  subtracting  its  respective  mean  to  ensure  that  the  image  vector  is  centered  which  results  to,     ̅ =
        (   ,    , … ,    ̅   ,  ℎ ̂) where each   ̅  is a mean removed patch. By constructing the same matrix for all input
        images and assemble them together will results to,
           The PCA filters are then expressed as follows, assuming that there are    principal eigenvectors,
        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [184]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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