Page 231 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 231

distance between 0 and P2 would be the distance between expectation and concentration, the momentum of the
        mind's motion if P2 approached 0 means a harmonious balance between expectation and concentration, which
        makes the team feel comfortable. Meanwhile, the gap between P2 and 0 of the strong team is smaller than the
        weak team, which means that the differences between objective and subjective momentum are minor, and the
        pulling force of the game and mind is small so that the player can feel more comfortable.

        4. Discussion and Conclusion
          This study had collected data on NBA rules change throughout the recent decade. The NBA rules have
        developed, updated, and explored constantly; after these years, the current rules make the GR value closer and
        closer to the most reasonable zone 0.07-0.08, and the AD value is getting closer and closer to the level of 0.045-
        0.06. With  physics  in  mind,  it  can  be  observed  that  the  v  and  m  both  approached  1/2 and  momentum  P1
        approached 1/4, the rules of the NBA keep the game is fairer and fairer after these decades. The NBA game's
        force is around 0.003, which gets close to a reasonable zone for basketball, making players feel exciting and
        attractive and attract players most reasonably. Moreover, it is the best time to finish the game; if longer, the
        force will be smaller and cannot attract players.
           Moreover, the Ep of NBA is located around 1/4 to make the expectation of NBA more specific, and the
        momentum of mind's motion (P2) stabilized around 0 after getting higher, it meant that the momentum of mind's
        motion  is  getting  higher,  and  NBA  is  fascinating,  and  players  have  risk  rate  to  take  the  engagement.
        Furthermore, this study considered the physics in the mind of different level players from the game's side; it
        can be observed that a strong team reached the v = 1/2 in a short time while re keep the velocity. However, the
        weak team needs to spend a longer time to reach the velocity and has a lower ability to keep the velocity, and
        the velocity of the weak team is a little lower than v = 1/2.
           While both teams' forces are 0.004, the strong team has a higher force in mind during the game's initial
        process, which means the strong team had better adhesion. The energy conservation of  different teams was
        proposed to analyze the momentum of the mind and game, where the strong team reached the P1 = 1/4 and Ep
        =1/4 in a short time. Thus, the strong team can reach his expectation and concentration quickly. Moreover, the
        velocity and momentum, the potential energy of a strong team are higher than the weak team, which means the
        ability and concentration, the expectation of a strong team are higher than the weak team. Meanwhile, the P2 of
        a strong team is higher than the weak team, the strong team has a higher magnitude of engagement, and the
        process of a strong team is fascinating. Also, the distance between P2 and 0 is associated with a sense of balance,
        making the strong team felt more comfortable because the distance is smaller than the weak team.
           Game refinement theory and motions in mind concept can commonly be used to measure and analyze the
        sophistication of game from the overall game side. Also, for the dynamical game process, we can analyze the
        details of each team or each player, from  objective sides and subjective sides, to know how instantaneous
        feelings during the game process based on different game results such as scores.


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        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [216]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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