Page 25 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 25


                 Home              Registration           Test Schedule          Result Test

        Fig 2. Website Menu Structure for Users

           This menu structure contains the design of the menu interface for the user.


              Registration List    Test Schedule           Test Question          Result Test

        Fig 3. Website Menu Structure for Admin

           This menu structure contains the design of the menu interface for the admin.

        3.4 Interface Implementation

           In a website, the implementation interface is designed in the form of a form with a php file extension. The
        following is a form designed based on the menu and sub menu :

        Table 2. Implementation of the Student Main Page

                          Menu                    Description             File Name
                     Home           Program files to display the main page   index.php
                     Registration   Program file to display registration page   daftar.php
                     Test Schedule   Program file to display test schedule page   jadwal.php
                     Test Result    Program file to display test result page   hasil.php

        Table 3. Implementation of the Secretariat Main Page

                          Menu                    Description               File Name
                     Login          Program files for handling logins     login.php
                     Student List   Program file to display student list page   daftarsiswa.php
                     Logout         Program files to exit the system      logout.php

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [13]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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