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Table 4. Implementation of the Admin Main Page

                          Menu                    Description               File Name
                     Login          Program files for handling logins     login.php
                     Student List   Program file to display student list page   daftarsiswa.php
                     Score List     Program file to display score list page   daftarnilai.php
                     Question List   Program file to display question list page   daftarsoal.php
                     Question Code   Program file to display question code list page   jenissoal.php
                     Logout         Program files to exit the system      logout.php

        4. Conclusions

           By  implementing  this  web-based  TOEFL  registration  information  system,  it  can  help  students,  study
        program coordinator, study program secretariats and English literature coordinator in carrying out all TOEFL
        activities, such as registration, test schedules, test implementation and score validation. This application makes
        all activities run more effectively and efficiently.


           The authors would like to thank everyone who helped in the implementation of this research.


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        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [14]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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