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excluded from the model. Table 2 shows that only the primary team handling the patients remained as major
        determinants for duration of stay at the ICU (p < 0.01). Given the same age, LOS varied by different primary
           From the regression analysis in this study, it was found that only the type of primary team handling the
        patients is the determining factors for LOS. We only managed to collect six main variables (age, gender, race,
        primary team, LOS and diagnosis). In this study, LOS at the ICU was 6.54 days (SD: 7.061 days), which was
        acceptable although this was a slightly longer length of ICU stay when compared with most other studies. The
        regression model lacks of many important variables. The GICU database lack of specific diagnosis as it is only
        stated as diagnosis remark. There were also missing information regarding the reasons of patients requiring the
        ICU, such as medical emergency, elective surgical, or emergency surgical cases. If the diagnosis remark is
        transferred to diagnosis code and reasons of patients requiring the ICU are available, it would be beneficial for
        better regression analysis.

        4. Conclusion

           This study has described the descriptive statistics of GICU patients’ data who were warded in the HCTM. It
        was found that GICU patients were staying in the hospital at an average of 6 days across all age. However,
        patients of younger age (less than 12 years) require longer ICU stay. Multivariate regression model shows only
        the  category  of  the  primary  team  handling  the  patients  is  the  determinant  for  LOS.  For  further  work,  the
        diagnosis remarks in the database can be transformed into a code forms to allow better LOS prediction model
        with high performance rate. The information discovered in this study is important as LOS is commonly used as
        the proxy indicator for hospital efficiency.


           The authors would like to thank Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia for funding the study through the
        research grant TRGS/1/2019/UKM/01/4/3.


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        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [23]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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