Page 38 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 38

2.2. Entity Relationship Diagram

           The entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a way to describe and view the relationship between the entities
        involved. The use of ERD greatly helps the system developer to understand and see an overview of the whole
        system to be developed. Fig. 2 shows the entity relationship model of the EWS System.

        Fig. 2 Entity-Relationship Diagram for Patient Monitoring System

        2.3. Data Dictionary

           A data dictionary is a set of information that describes the content, format, and structure of a database and
        the relationships between its elements. It is used to control data access and database manipulation. In the data
        dictionary, each data attribute will be assigned a data type, size, key and a brief description of the attributes
        used in this system database.
           Laravel,  which  is  a  web  application  framework  with  expressive  and  elegant  syntax,  was  chosen  for
        developing  the  web  applications  for  the  EWS  system.  It  was  chosen  because  it  is  a  free,  open  source
        (Anonymous, 2017) modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager. The advantage of using
        Laravel include it being easy in accessing relational databases, having utilities that aid in application deployment
        and maintenance, and its orientation toward syntactic sugar (Martin, 2015).

        2.4. System Interface

           The interface design of a system plays an important role in determining the usability of the system. A good
        user interface should be easy and quick for users to learn. In addition, the interface also serves as a medium of
        interaction between users and the system. The system interface includes user login, patient registration, vital
        signs data input, patient history, doctor’s appointment and surgery schedule. The system has two types of users:
        Caretaker and SuperAdmin. All user interfaces for Caretaker are accessible by the Super Admin who has the
        sole function of downloading patient data and save the data in excel spreadsheet. Super Admin can also view
        all Caretaker’s activity.
           The phpMyAdmin which is another free software tool was utilized to handle the administration of MySQL
        over the web. This software supports a wide range of operations on MySQL to be performed via the user
        interface. This includes managing databases, tables, columns, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [26]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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