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3. Results and Discussion

        3.1. EWS System Prototype Testing and Evaluation
           Development of the first prototype of the web based EWS calculator and data logger for EWS was completed.
        The program developer has tested system functionality few times using black box where the overall score for
        functionality tests was 100% as it passed all tests conducted. After the EWS system completed its development
        process, it was uploaded to the server. The EWS prototype is functioning well based on system functionality
        test. Full user satisfaction testing is yet to be implemented. A pilot study of patients’ vital signs monitoring via
        EWS recording is being planned to take place soon involving data recording on real patient monitoring. The
        EWS system prototype can be modified and improvised based on user recommendation from the pilot study, to
        make it meet all user requirement and specifications.

        3.2. Recommendation for Future System Enhancement

           The EWS system has many rooms for system enhancement.  One of it is to add an alert function such that
        when a patient shows vital signs deterioration, the EWS triggers a warning so that necessary patient care can
        be provided as soon as possible.

        4. Conclusion

           In conclusion, a custom-made digital system of EWS was successfully developed. The EWS system allows
        patient vital signs to be recorded and calculated the early warning scores which contain valuable patient health
        information. The EWS data are saved for future data retrieval and the trend or history of EWS also provide
        useful information for clinical decision support. Besides the vital signs and EWS data, the EWS system also
        includes patient’s doctor appointment, and surgery schedules for ease of patient’s clinical care management.


           The authors would like to thank Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia for funding the work through the
        research grant TRGS/1/2019/UKM/01/4/3.


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        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [27]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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