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America’s National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) Genomic Data Commons (GDC) portal. A total of 85 pathological
        images were randomly selected from the GDC portal to form the dataset for this research.

        2.2.    Algorithm testing

           For  this  research,  four  algorithms  have  been  selected  for  testing.  The  four  algorithms  selected  for  this
        research are:
        ●  Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), a lossy image compression algorithm (Maru 2020)
        ●  Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), a lossy image compression algorithm (Nain 2020)
        ●  Huffman Encoding, a lossless image compression algorithm (Kai-Meng 2020)
        ●  Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT), a near-lossless image compression algorithm (Fangfang

          These four algorithms were selected for this research as the first three algorithms represent algorithms that
        being widely used in image compression of other types of image (Mantoro 2017). By comparing the SPIHT
        algorithm against these algorithms, it would be a fair head-to-head comparison and representation of how these
        algorithms would perform in a daily use case (Rahman 2019).

        2.3.    Performance Evaluation

           There can be numerous ways to evaluate a compression algorithm, whether it be through compression speed,
        a measure of how fast an algorithm processes an image and compresses it, through compression ratio, a measure
        of how much more compact the compressed image is when compared to the original file in size, through image
        quality, a measure of how similar the reconstructed image is when compared to the original image (Hussain
        2018). These measures serve as a quantifiable measurement to evaluate the efficiency of an image compression
           In order to measure the compression speed of an algorithm, encoding time is used, which refers to the amount
        of time taken, in seconds, for the encoder of a compression algorithm to encode and compress the data in the
        original input image into the outputted compressed data (Sharma 2017).
           Compression Ratio (CR) refers to the ratio of the number of bits between the original uncompressed file and
        the compressed file. It is used to measure how much space has been compressed by the algorithm in the image.
        For example, a CR of 4:1 signifies that the compressed image is only about 1/4th of the size of the original
        image (Rahman 2019). The equation to determine CR is as illustrated as follows:

                                                                  (    ) =                                  (1)
           Although both are used to quantify the amount of compression that is applied to a file, CR is not to be
        confused with compression rate, measured in Bits Per Pixel (BPP), which represents the number of bits in
        average, that is needed to represent a pixel in an image (Hussain 2018). The equation to measure BPP is as
        illustrated as follows:
                                                                (      ) =                     (2)
           There  are  multiple  ways  to  measure  image  quality  when  attempting  to  evaluate  an  image  compression
        algorithm. Commonly used methods to measure image quality would be Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR)
        and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM). PSNR is measured in decibels (dB) and represents the quality
        of an image relative to the size of the error, where a high PSNR value represents a low measure of error in the
        reconstructed image  when compared to the original (Hussain 2018). The equation to measure PSNR is as
        illustrated as follows, where n represents the number of bits that represent the pixel:

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [83]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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