Journals | ||||
1. Ahmed Mohammed Elaklouk and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2019. A Rehabilitation Gaming System for Cognitive Deficiencies: Design and Usability Evaluation. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 9(1), pp. 181-187. [Online]. Available: 2. Wan Malini Wan Isa, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Fadhilah Rosdi and Hafiz Mohd Sarim. 2018. Digital Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 12 (3) pp. 1373-1379. DOI:10.11591/ijeecs.v12.i3.pp1373-1379 3. Noursilawati Ab. Halim, Zawiyah M. Yusof, and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2018. The requirement for information governance framework in the Malaysian public sector, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.15):235-239. 4. Shahryan Abdulrahman Alserri, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook. 2018. Gender-based engagement model for serious games. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 8(4):1350-1357. 5. Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Intan Yusrina Zairon, Noraidah Sahari@Ashaari, Mushrifah Idris, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Hairulliza Mohamad Judi and Norleyza Jailani. Campus virtual tour design to enhance visitor experience and interaction in a natural environment, The International Journal of Multimedia & Its Applications, 10(1/2/3):77-92. 10.5121/ijma.2018.10307 6. Normala Rahim, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2017. Analysis on user Interaction in Virtual Heritage: Virtual Museum Environment. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10 (48): 1-10. 7. Rahmah Mokhtar, Nurshafiqa Sharif, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Siti Normaziah Ihsan. 2017. Assessing attention and meditation levels in learning process using brain computer interface. Advanced Science Letters 23 (6): 5569-5572. 8. Ratna Zuarni Ramli, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Noraidah Sahari Ashaari, Wan Zakiyatussariroh Wan Husin, and Salyani Osman. 2017. Measuring game interface design preferences based on players cultural values. Advanced Science Letters. 23(5): 4129 – 4131. 9. Nor Azan Mat Zin and Ahmed Mohammed Elaklouk. 2017. Design Science Paradigm in the Development of Serious Game for Cognitive Rehabilitation. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJASEIT). 7(2017): 118-124. 10. Tze Wei Liew, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Noraidah Sahari and Su-Mae Tan. 2016. The Effects of a Pedagogical Agent`s Smiling Expression on the Learner`s Emotions and Motivation in a Virtual Learning Environment. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning. Q1(2015)/Q3 JCR (2012-2014). 17(5): 249-266. 11. Mohammed Ahmed Ghazal, Nor Azan Mat Zin and Zurina Muda. 2016. Designing Domain Model for Adaptive Web-based Educational System According to Herrmann Whole Brain Model. Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. 3(3):66-72. 12. Zawiyah M. Yusof, Mokmin Basri, Nor Azan M. Zin, Abd Razak Hamdan, Aziz Deraman. 2016. Issues Underpinning Information Policy in Malaysia: An Articulated Holistic Model. Malaysian Journal of Information and Communication Technology. 1 (1):1-22. 13. Rahmah Mokhtar and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2016. An Adaptive Intelligent Presentation Edugame for Fardu Ain Learning Using Production Rules Based on User Emotions. International Journal of Future Computer and Communication. 5 (4):176-179. 14. Salyani Osman, Noraidah Sahari@Ashaari, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Ratna Zuarni Ramli, Nahdatul Akma Ahmad. 2016. The development and evaluation of w-songket courseware using cognitive apprenticeship strategy. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia. 5 (2): 1-18. 15. Normala Rahim, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Norkhairani Abd. Rawi, and Roslinda Muda. 2016. Usability Evaluation of a Virtual Museum Environment: A Case Study in Terengganu State Museum, Malaysia. Advanced Science Letters. Q3, 22: 2780-2784. 16. Mokmin Basri, Zawiyah M. Yusof and Nor Azan M. Zin. 2016. Basis for Information Policy: Views from Experts. Malaysia Journal of Information and Communication Technology. 1 (1): 23-32. 17. Norizan Mat Diah dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2016. Enjin aktiviti menyurih belajar menulis aksara jawi. Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia. 5 (1): 61-69. 18. Norizan Mat Diah, Arie Pratama Sutiono, Long Zuo, Nathan Nossal, Hiroyuki Iida, Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2016. Expansion of Game Refinement Theory into Continuous Movement Games: A Comparison of Two Video Games. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications. Q4, 13(2016): 8 19. Mohammed Ahmed Ghazal, Nor Azan Mat Zin and Zurina Muda. 2015. Towards Applying a Brain-Based Learning Style Model to Improve Learner Modelling in an Adaptive Web-Based Educational Systems(AWBES). International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications. 9 (2): 128-140 20. Mohammed Ahmed Ghazal, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Zurina Muda. 2015. Relationship between brain-based learning styles and behavioural learning patterns in web-based educational systems. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. 78 Q3, (2): 262-177 21. Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Hairulliza Mohd Judi, Noraidah Shaari @ Ashaari, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Zawiyah Mohd Yusof, Zurina Muda dan Zulaiha Ali Othman. 2015. ICT usage patterns among rural adolescents. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Q3, 76 (3) : 342-34 22. Norizan Mat Diah, Nathan Nossal, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Tadaki Higuchi, and Hiroyuki Iida. 2014. A Game Informatical Comparison of Chess and Association Football (“Soccer”). ACSIJ Advances in Computer Science: An International Journal. 3 (4): 89-94. 23. Azrulhizam Shapi’i, Nor Azan Mat Zin, and Ahmed Mohammed Elaklouk. A Game System for Cognitive Rehabilitation. BioMed Research International. Q2, vol. 2015, Article ID 493562, 7 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/493562. IF: 2.134 24. Ahmed Mohammed Elaklouk, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Azrulhizam Shapii. 2015. Investigating therapists’ intention to use serious games for acquired brain injury cognitive rehabilitation. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences. 27(2): 160-169. 25. Seyed Yashar Banihashem, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Noor Faezah Mohd Yatim & Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim. 2014. Noor Faezah Mohd Yatim & Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim. Mouse controlling and movement for people with Parkinson’s disease and involuntary tremor using Adaptive Path Smoothing technique via B-Spline. Assistive Technology: The Official Journal of RESNA, 26(2): 96-104. DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2013.845271. Q2, ISI/SSCI (IF: 0.51). IF: 1.283 26. Ahmed elaklouk, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Azrulhizam Shapii. 2013. A Conceptual Framework for Designing Brain Injury Cognitive Rehabilitation Gaming System. Journal of Digital Content technology and its Applications (JDCTA) 7(15): 31-41. 27. Ratna Zuarni Ramli, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Noraidah Sahari @Ashaari, & Salyani Osman. 2013. Designing Game Interface Model with Cultural Elements. Journal of Digital Content technology and its Applications (JDCTA) 7(13): 41-52. 28. Mohd Zaliman Mohd Yusoff & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2013. Exploring Suitable Emotion-Focused Strategies in Helping Students to Regulate Their Emotional State in a Self-Regulated Tutoring (SRT) System: Malaysian Case Study. Electronic Journal Of Research In Educational Psychology, Q3, 11 (3) : 717-742. (Q3). 29. Norizan Mat Diah & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2013. Interactive Writing Tool for Jawi Literacy. Journal of Digital Content technology and its Applications (JDCTA) 7(14): 48-57. 30. Ratna Zuarni Ramli, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Noraidah Sahari. 2013. Development and Validation of A Questionnaire To Measure Game Interface Preferences Based On Cultural Values. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Q3, 56(1): 100-105. 31. Nor Azan Mat Zin & Wong Seng Yue. 2013. Design and Evaluation of History Digital Game Based Learning (DGBL) Software. Journal of Next Generation Information Technology (JNIT), Q4, 4(4): 9-24. 32. Seyed Yashar Banihashem, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Noor Faezah Mohd Yatim & Norlinah Mohamed Ibrahim. 2013. Real Time Break Point Detection Technique (RBPD) in Computer Mouse Trajectory. TELKOMNIKA, Q3, 11(5): 2710 - 2715. 33. Salyani Osman, Noraidah Sahari@Ashaari, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Ratna Zuarni Ramli, Norazimah Awang & Siti Rosni Mohamad Yusoff. 2013. Development and Evaluation of Model for Teaching and Learning Traditional Craft Courseware. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Q3, 47(3): 952-959. 34. Ibrahim Almarashdeh; Nur Fazidah Elias; Noraidah Sahari & Nor Azan Mat Zain. 2013. Development of an interactive learning management system for malaysian distance learning institutions. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research, Q3, 14(11): 1471-1479. 35. Sarah Farhana Juhari & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2013. Educating Children of Internet Safety through Digital Game Based Learning. International Journal in Interactive Digital Media (IJIDM) 1(1): 65-70. 36. Salyani Osman, Noraidah Sahari & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2012. Development of Interactive Multimedia Courseware (E-Craft) For Craft Education. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, Q3, 13(4): 36-54. 37. Salyani Osman, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Noraidah Sahari@Ashaari, Yuhanis Omar, Ratna Zuarni Ramli & Norazimah Awang. 2012. New model for teaching and learning traditional craft courseware: Analysis and design phase. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Q3, 40(1): 29-38. 38. Saman Shishehchi, Seyed Yashar Banihashem, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah. 2012. Ontological Approach in Knowledge Based Recommender System to Develop the Quality of E-learning System. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Q3/Q4, 6(2):115-123. 39. Juhana Salim, Zaiha Nadiah Zainal Abidin, Hazilah Mohd Amin, Onn Azraai Puade, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Salmijah Surif & Osman Hassan. 2012. Framework of Chemical Inventory Management System Based On Ethnographic Research. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology. Q3, 36(1);118-128. 40. Rahmah Mokhtar, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah. 2012. Model Pengguna K-Stailo Melalui Teknik Petua Mudah Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat & Multimedia. (10): 43-51. 41. Siti Rosni Mohamad Yusoff & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2012. Activity Theory to Guide Online Collaborative Learning Instructional design. International Journal of Systems and Service-Oriented Engineering 3(2): 15-29. 42. Siti Rosni Mohamad Yusoff & Nor Azan Hj Mat Zin. 2013. Penerapan Kemahiran Berfikir Kreatif Melalui Model Kir-Kat Pembelajaran Kolaboratif Atas Talian Dalam Kalangan Guru Pelatih. Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan Guru 7(2012): 1234-1234. 43. Ahmad Althunibat, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari. 2012. Pemodelan Faktor Penerimaan perkhidmatan Kerajaan mudah alih (M-Kerajaan). Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia (1): 21-37. 44. Ahmed M. Elaklouk & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2012. Requirements for Game Based Cognitive Intervention System for Acquired Brain Injury. Journal on Computing 2(3): 25-31. 45. Mokmin Basri, Zawiyah M. Yusof & Nor Azan M. Zin. 2012. Information Policy: The Diminishing Role of Library. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2(19):317-327. 46. Azizah Jaafar, Chan Siew Lee & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2012. Pembangunan dan Penilaian Kepenggunaan Perisian Kursus Pendidikan Seksualiti. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat dan Multimedia Asia-Pasifik 1(1): Jun 2012. 47. Ahmad Althunibat, Nor Azan Mat Zain & Noraidah Sahari @Ashaari. 2011. Modelling the factors that influence mobile government services acceptance. African Journal of Business Management, Q3, 5(34):13030-13043. Doi: 10.5897/AJBM11.2083 48. Almrashdeh, I.A., Sahari, N., Zin, N.A.M. & Alsmadi, M. 2011. Requirement analysis for distance learning management system students in Malaysian universities. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Q3, 24(1):17-27. 49. Ibrahim Abood Almarashdeh, Noraidah Sahari, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Mutasem Alsmadi, 2011. Acceptance of Learning Management System: A Comparison between Distance Learners and Instructors. Advanced in Information Sciences and Service Sciences, Q4, 3(5):1-9. 50. Saman Shishehchi, Seyed Yashar Banihashem, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Shahrul Azman Mohd Noah. 2011. Learning Content Recommendation for Visual Basic.Net Programming Language based on Ontology. Journal of Computer Science, Q3, 7(2):188-196. 51. Ahmad Althunibat, Nor Azan Mat Zain & Noraidah Sahari@Ashaari. 2011. The effect of Social Influence on Mobile Government Adoption in Malaysia. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Q3, 25(2):103-110. 52. Ahmad Al Thunibat, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari. 2011. Mobile Government User Requirements Model. Journal of E-Govervenance. 4(2):104-111. 53. Ahmad Al Thunibat, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Noraidah Sahari. 2011. Identifying user requirements of Mobile Government Services in Malaysia using focus group method. Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices. Article ID 141651. 54. Zawiyah M. Yusof, Mokmin Basri & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2010. Classification of Issues Underlying the Development of Information Policy. Information Development, Q2, 26(3):204-213. 55. Ibrahim Abood Almarashdeh, Noraidah Sahari, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Mutasem Alsmadi. 2010.The Success of Learning Management System Among Distance Learners In Malaysian Universities. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Q3, 21 (2). 56. Nor Azan Mat Zin & Noor Azli Mohamed Masrop. 2010. User Interface and Interaction Design Based on a Motivation Model for Digital Game-Based Jawi Learning Software. DESIGN Principles & Practices: An International Journal, Q2, 4(2): 293-321 57. Zawiyah M.Yusof, Mokmin Basri & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2010. Polisi maklumat:Model,isu,dan pengkelasan, Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat & Multimedia 9:41-56. 58. Zawiyah M. Yusof, Mokmin Basri & Nor Azan M.Zin. 2010. Pembangunan polisi maklumat di Malaysia: peranan perpustakaan. Sekitar Perpustakaan (40): 29-40. 59. Wong Seng Yue and Nor Azan Mat Zin.2009. Usability evaluation for history educational games. Proceedings of the 2nd international Conference on interaction Sciences: information Technology, Culture and Human. Pp. 1019-1025 60. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Zulaiha Ali Othman and Wong Seng Yue. 2009. LAE-LMS: Applying Pedagogical Aspect of Learning Activity in E-Learning System. Asian Journal of Information Technology. 8(3): 74-83, 2009. 61. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Azizah Jaafar and Wong Seng Yue. 2009. Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) Model and Development Methodology for Teaching History. Published in the WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS 8 (2), February 2009. 62. Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2009. A-MathS Multimedia Courseware for Effective Mathematic Learning: Matching Instructions to Student′s Learning Style. Journal of Applied Sciences 9(8): 1510-1516, 2009. 63. Nor Azan Mat Zin and Halimah Badioze Zaman. 2009. Designing multimedia courseware for Personalized Learning. DESIGN Principles & Practices: An International Journal. 3(2); 97-111. 64. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman and Shahrul Azman Mohd Noah. Jurnal Teknologi Maklumat dan Multimedia 6 (2009); 61-78. 65. Hazilah Mohamad Amin, Juhana Salim, Salwani Abdullah, Hairulliza Mohd. Judi dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. Tahap Kepentingan Kemahiran Komputer Mengikut Fungsi Pekerjaan di Malaysia. International Journal of Information Technology and Multimedia 1 (Disember 2001). 66. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Norhayati Abdul Mokti, Hairulliza Mohd Judi, Hazilah Mohd Amin,Shahnorbanun Sahran, Kamsuriah Ahmad, Masri Ayob, Salwani Abdullah dan Zuraidah Abdullah . Gender Differences in Computer Literacy Level Among Undergraduate Students in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Electronic Journal of Information System in Developing Countries, EJISDC (2000) 1, 3:1-8. . 67. Halimah Badioze Zaman, Norhayati Abdul Mokti, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Munir, Tengku Mohd Tengku Sembok, Mohamed Yusoff. Motivating Literacy through MEL: a multimedia based tutoring system. The New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship 6, 2000; 125-135. 68. Halimah Badioze Zaman, Tengku Mohd Tengku Sembok, Mohamed Yusoff, Azizi Abdullah, Azlina Ahmad, Azizah Jaafar, Belal Abu Ata, Marini Abu Bakar, Md. Jan Nordin, Muriati Mukhtar, Norhayati Abdul Mokti, Norleyza jailani, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Nazlia Omar, Nor sakinah Muhamad, Sufian Idris, Salha Abdullah, Siti fadzilah Mat Noor and Zuraidah Abdullah. 1999. Maximizing Returns on New Courseware Development. Malaysian Management Review, 1-30. |
Book | ||||
69. Nor Azan Mat Zin dan Noraidah Sahari@Ashaari. 2017. Reka Bentuk dan Kebolehgunaan Sistem Multimedia. Bangi: Penerbit UKM. 70. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Siti Fadzilah Mat Nor dan Zurina Muda. 2016. Keletarian Warisan Budaya melalui Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK). Bangi: Penerbit UKM 71. Mokmin Basri, Zawiyah Mohd Yusof and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2013. Polisi Maklumat Kebangsaan (National Information Policy). Bangi: Penerbit UKM. |
Book Chapter | ||||
72. Norizan Mat Diah and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2017. Reka Bentuk dan Kebolehgunaan Sistem Multimedia, 1, 18 195.
73. NoorAzli Mohamad Masrop and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2017. Model reka bentuk dan pembangunan perisian pembelajaran berasas permainan digital (PBPD) dlm. Reka Bentuk dan Kebolehgunaan Sistem Multimedia: 82-95. 74. Siti Rosni Mohd Yusof and Nor Azan Mat Zin.2017. Reka Bentuk dan Kebolehgunaan Sistem Multimedia, 1, 15 75. Ratna Zuarni Ramli, Nor Azan Mat Zin and Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari. 2017. Reka bentuk model antara muka permainan komputer berasaskan budaya dlm Reka Bentuk dan Kebolehgunaan Sistem Multimedia:45-62. 76. Salyani Osman, Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2017. Reka bentuk model pembelajaran kemahiran kraf tradisional mengguna kaedah perantisan kognitif dlm. Reka Bentuk dan Kebolehgunaan Sistem Multimedia: 96-128. 77. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Siti Fadzilah Mat Nor dan Zurina Muda. 2016. Bab1: Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK) untuk Pemuliharaan dan Pemeliharaan Warisan Budaya Digital. Dlm. Keletarian Warisan Budaya melalui Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi (TMK). Bangi: Penerbit UKM 78. Abdullah Nasih Isa, Zurina Muda dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2016. Kelestarian Warisan Budaya Melalui Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi dlm. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor dan Zurina Muda. 2016. Kelestarian Warisan Budaya Melalui Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi. Bangi: Penerbit UKM. 79. Yusoff, S.R.M. and Mat Zin, N.A. 2014. Design and evaluation of Collaborative Learning Management System (CLMS) framework for teaching technical subject. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). (7697): 79-89. 80. Ahmed Mohammed Elaklouk, Nor Azan Mat Zin, & Azrulhizam Shapii. 2013. Game Design for Acquired Brain Injury Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Conceptual Framework. Advances in Visual Informatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 8237 (2013): 218-230. [27 Mac 2014]. 81. Normala Rahim, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2011. Developing conceptual model of virtual museum environment based on user interaction issues. Visual Informatics: Sustaining Research and Innovations, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. (7067): 253-260. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-25200-6_24. [27 Mac 2014]. 82. Diah, N.M. & Mat Zin, N.A. 2011. Digital training tool framework for Jawi character formation. Visual Informatics: Sustaining Research and Innovations, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. (7066): 164-175. 10.1007/978-3-642-25191-7_16. [27 mac 2014]. 83. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Nur Yuhanis Mohd Nasir and Munirah Ghazali. 2009. Promoting Socio-Cultural Values Through Storytelling Using Animation a Game-Based Edutainment Software in Crisan, M. Convergence and Hybrid Information Technologies; Olajnia: Croatia. ISBN 978-9533070650. |
Conference Proceedings | ||||
84. Iping Supriana, Ririn Dwi Agustin, Marini Abu Bakar and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2017. Serious games for effective learning The 2017 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 25-27 Nov, Langkawi. 85. Ahmed Mohammed Elaklouk and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2017. Design and Usability Evaluation of Rehabilitation Gaming System for Cognitive Deficiencies Proceedings of the 2017 6th International Conference on Electrical engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), 25-27 Nov, Langkawi. 86. Shahryan Abdulrahman Alserri, Nor Azan Mat Zin and Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook. 2017. Genderbased engagement modelfor designing serious games. The 2017 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI). 25-27 Nov, Langkawi. 87. Normala Rahim, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2017. Analysis on user interaction in Virtual Heritage: Virtual Museum Environment. The 7th International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia. 88. Nor Azan Mat Zin dan Norizan Mat Diah. 2017. Aplikasi permainan menulis Jawi©. International Conference and Exposition on Inventions by Institutions of Higher Learning (PECIPTA) 2017. 89. S. Xiong, N. A. M. Zin, L. Yang and H. Iida. 2016. 3rd International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI), Shanghai. Mathematical model of ranking accuracy and popularity promotion. Pp: 350-357. 90. Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Siti Fadzilah Mat Nor, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Hazura Mohamed, Noridah Sahari @ Ashaari, Hairulliza Mohd Judi, Zurina Muda, Noorazean Mohd Ali, Amirah Ismail dan Lailatul Qadri. 2016. Tugas Dan Gaya Interaksi Pengguna Dalam Persekitaran Muzium Maya. Prosiding Simposium ICT dalam warisan budaya 2016 (SICTH2016). 112 91. Norizan Mat Diah dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2016. Prosiding Simposium ICT dalam warisan budaya 2016 (SICTH2016). Membangun Enjin Surihan Belajar Menulis Aksara Jawi. M.s. 12-20. 92. Salyani Osman, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Noraidah Sahari@Ashaari,Ratna Zuarni Ramli, Norazimah Awang, Nahdatul Akma Ahmad, Azaliza Zainal dan Suziyanti Marjudi. 2016. Prosiding Simposium ICT dalam warisan budaya 2016 (SICTH2016). Pembangunan perisian kursus W-songket mengguna strategi perantisan kognitif . m.s. 44-59 93. Siti Norliza Awang Noh dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2016. SOFTAM Postgraduate Symposium 2016. Digital games for education and training m.s. 34-39. 94. Shahryan Abd. Alserri, Nor Azan Mat Zin and Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook. 2016. Proceedings of the 3rd SOFTAM Postgraduate Symposium 2016. Gender enrolment factors in ICT studies. M.s. 52-58. 95. Norizan Mat Diah and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2015. Real-Time Feedback for Jawi Characters Tracing Activity Proceedings of The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2015 August 10-11, 2015. Bali, Indonesia. Pp. 121-125 96. Norizan Mat Diah, Arie Pratama Sutiono, Long Zuo, Nathan Nossal, Hiroyuki Iida, Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2015. Quantifying Engagement of Video Games: Pac-Man and DotA (Defense of the Ancients). Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering (MACMESE `15). Pp. 49-55 97. Tze Wei Liew, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Noraidah Sahari and Su-Mae Tan. 2015. The effects of pedagogical agent`s visual realism on learner`s cognitive and socio-emotive outcomes in virtual learning environment. Proceedings of The 26th International Business Information Management Association Conference. Pp.1098-1106 98. Nurshafiqa Sharif, Rahmah Mokhtar, Siti Normaziah Ihsan, Azlina Zainuddin, Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2015. Capturing data of children`s concentration and meditation levels: how learners` effort influence the academic emotional response level. Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Computational Science and InformationManagement (ICoCSIM 2015). Pp. 48-53. 99. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Seyed Yashar Banihashem, Salwani Mohd Daud, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, and Hiroyuki Iida. 2015 A malay computer-aided speech therapy using audio- fingerprint and visualization. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computing & Informatics (ICOCI’15): Computer for Improving the Quality of Life. Pp. 216-222. 100. Azrulhizam Shapi`i, Nurazlin Nor Bahari, Haslina Arshad, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Zainal Rasyid Mahayuddin. 2015. Rehabilitation exercise game model for post-stroke using microsoft kinect camera. 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE). 101. Hairul Fahmi Md. Muslim, Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2014, Kajian awal permainan serius untuk warga emas mengidap diabetes. Proceeding of The 2nd Global Summit on Education 2014 (GSE 2014) ,553-559 102. Siti Rosni Mohamad Yusoff dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2013. Analisis Ciri-ciri ahli komuniti pembelajaran kolaboratif atas talian dalam kalangan guru pelatih. Prosiding konvensyen kebangsaan pendidikan guru 2013. Pp 271-285. 103. Norizan Mat Diah & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2013. Digital Game Based Learning Framework for Jawi Character Formation. Proc. Of the 6th Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology. pp 6-12. 104. Elaklouk, Ahmed Mohammed, Mat Zin, Nor Azan & Shapii, Azrulhizam. 2013. Game Design for Acquired Brain Injury Cognitive Rehabilitation: A Conceptual Framework. Proceedings of the Third International Visual Informatics Conference, IVIC 2013, Selangor, Malaysia, November 13-15, 2013. 105. Wong Seng Yue & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2013. Voice recognition and visualization mobile apps game for training and teaching hearing handicaps children. Procedia Technology - The 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2013). 11(2013):479-486. [27 Mac 2014]. 106. Ratna Zuarni Ramli, Noraidah Saari@Ashaari, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Norlis Osman & Salyani Osman. 2013. Development and Validation of Game Interface with Culture Questionnaire: Graphic and Animation. Procedia Technology - The 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2013). 11(2013):840-845. [27 Mac 2014]. 107. Hairulliza Mohamad Judi, Noraidah Sahari Ashaari, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Zawiyah M. Yusof. Framework of ICT impact on adolescent. Procedia Technology – Proc. Of The 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI 2013). (8C): 992-998. 108. Ahmed Elaklouk & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2012. Games for Cognitive Rehabilitation. Proc. of the 5th Annual International Conference on Computer Games Multimedia & Allied Technology (CGAT 2012). Pp. 84-89. 109. Tengku Siti Meriam, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Masnizah Mohd, Saidah Saad, Juhana Salim, Aidanismah Yahya, Shereena Mohd Arif, Lailatul Qadri Zakaria, Amirah Ismail, Siti Fadzilah Mat & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2012. Trends in the final year project for multimedia undergraduate. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences - UKM Teaching and Learning Congress. (59): 399-405. [27 Mac 2014]. 110. Azmi Ibrahim, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari. 2011. A simulation model using system dynamic for predicting dengue fever outbreak. Proc. of International Conference in Advances in Computing, Control, and Telecommunication Technologies 2011. pp. 136-138. Doi: 02.ACT.2011.03. 111. Tengku Siti Meriam, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Masnizah Mohd, Saidah Saad, Juhana Salim, Aidanismah Yahya, Shereena Mohd Arif, Lailatul Qadri Zakaria, Amirah Ismail, Siti Fadzilah Mat & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2011. Trends in the final year project for multimedia undergraduate. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences - UKM Teaching and Learning Congress. (59): 399-405. [27 Mac 2014]. 112. Mohid S.Z. & Zin N.A.M. 2011. Accessible courseware for kids with hearing impaired (MudahKiu): A preliminary analysis. Proc. International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Robotics (ICPAIR). (2):197-202. Doi: 10.1109/ICPAIR.2011.5976944. [27 Mac 2014]. 113. Ghazal, M.A., Yusof, M.M. & Zin, N.A.M. 2011. Adaptive educational hypermedia system using cognitive style approach: Challenges and Opportunities. Proc. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI) 2011. Pp.1-6. Doi: 10.1109/ICEEI.2011.6021758. [27 Mac 2014]. 114. Rahmah Mokhtar, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2011. International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Robotics (ICPAIR). Classifying modality learning styles based on production-fuzzy rules. (1):154-159. Doi: 10.1109/ICPAIR.2011.5976887. [27 Mac 2014] 115. Ramli R.Z., Zin N.A.M. & Ashaari N. 2011. Factoring culture as the main role to design game interface model. Proc. International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Robotics (ICPAIR). (2): 203-206. Doi: 10.1109/ICPAIR.2011.5976926. [27 Mac 2014]. 116. Tengku Siti Meriam Tengku Wook, Noraidag Sahari @ Ashaari, Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor, Nor Azan Hj. Mat Zin & Azizah Jaafar. 2011. Framework of visual interface for children digital library. Proc. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, ICEEI 2011. Pp. 1- 4. 10.1109/ICEEI.2011.6021585. [27 Mac 2014]. 117. Ibrahim Abood Almarashdeh, Noraidah Sahari & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2011. Heuristic evaluation of distance learning management system interface. Proc. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI) 2011. pp.1-6. 10.1109/ICEEI.2011.6021542. [27 Mac 2014]. 118. Ibrahim Abood Almrashdeh, Noraidah Sahari & Nor Azan Mat Zin, Mutasem Alsmadi. 2011. Instructor`s success measures of learning management system. Proc. International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics ICEEI 2011. Pp. 1-7. 10.1109/ICEEI.2011.6021516. [27 Mac 2014] 119. Salyani Osman, Nor Azan M.Zin, Noraidah S. & Yuhanis Omar. 2011. Model for courseware development of teaching and learning traditional craft (CDTC Model): initial validation. Proc.IEEE Symposium on Computers and Informatics, ISCI 2011. pp. 64-67. 120. Shishehchi, S., Banihashem, S.Y., Zin, N.A.M. & Mohd. Noah, S.A. 2011. Review of personalized recommendation techniques for learners in e-learning systems. Proc. International Conference on Semantic Technology and Information Retrieval, STAIR 2011. pp 277-281. 121. Yusoff S.R.M. & Zin N.A.M. 2011. Self-efficiency and social influence of computer support collaborative learning teaching and learning blog. Proc. International Conference on Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Robotics (ICPAIR). (2): 217-221. 122. Ibrahim Abood Almrashdah, Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari, Nor Azan Hj. Mat Zin & Mutasem Alsmadi. 2010. Distance Learners Acceptance of Learning Mangement System. 2nd International Conference on Data Mining and Intelligent Information Application (ICMIA2010). pp 304-309. 123. Hairulliza Mohamad Judi, Noraidah Sahari @Ashari & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2010. University Community Outreach: Knowledge Sharing Towards Enhancing ICT Literacy, Proc. International IT & Society Conference. pp 2-6. 124. Saman Shishehchi, Seyed Yashar Banihashem & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2010. A proposed semantic recommendation system for e-Learning. Proc. International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSIM 2010). (1): 1-5. 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561329. [27 Mac 2014]. 125. Seyed Yashar Banihashem, Saman Shishehchi & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2010. Accessible e-learning approach for Handicaps: a proposed interaction technique for arm muscle disorders, Parkinson and Hand tremors. Proc. International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSIM 2010). (1): pp. 1-3. 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561326. [27 Mac 2014]. 126. Siti Zaharah Mohid & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2010. Courseware accessibility for hearing impaired. Proc. International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSIM 2010): (1): pp. 1-5. 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561322. [27 Mac 2014]. 127. Azmi Ibrahim, Nor Azan bt Hj Mat Zin & Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari. 2010. Kajian awal: permainan simulasi wabak demam denggi. Proc. of Regional Conference on Knowledge Integration in ICT 2010. pp. 362-366. 128. Siti Zaharah Mohid & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2010. Kemudahcapaian perisian pendidikan Multimedia untuk pengguna masalah pendengaran. Proc. of Regional Conference on Knowledge Integration in ICT 2010. pp. 152-160. 129. Rahmah Mokhtar, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah. 2010. Rule-based knowledge representation for modality learning style. Knowledge Management International Conference (KMICe) 2010. pp. 614-617. 130. Ili Farhana Md Mahtar & Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2010. Mathematical knowledge representation for education semantic web based on learning style. Proc. International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSim) 2010. (1):1-4. 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561332. [27 Mac 2014] 131. Al Thunibat, A. Zin, N.A.M. & Ashaari, N.S. 2010. Mobile government services in Malaysia: Challenges and opportunities. Proc. International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSim) 2010. (3): pp. 1244-1246. Doi:10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561475. [27 Mac 2014]. 132. Salyani Osman & Nor Azan Haji Mat Zin. 2010. Proposed model for courseware development of virtual teaching and learning traditional craft. Proc. International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSIM 2010). (1):1-6. Doi:10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561333. [27 Mac 2014]. 133. Ahmad Abdallah AlThunibat, Nor Azan Haji Mat Zin and Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari. 2009. Acceptance and Use of Molbile Government by Malaysian Ciizens. Proceedings of the mLife 2009 Conference & Exhibitions. 2-4 September 2009: Barcelona, Spain. 134. Juhana Salim, Zaiha Nadiah Zainal Abidin, Nor Azan Hj Mat Zin, Hazilah, Mohd. Amin, Onn Azraai Puade, Salmijah Surif and Osman Hassan. 2009. Chemical Inventory Control Management System. Prosiding seminar Creating Global Economies through Innovation and Knowledge Management: Theory & Practice. Pp: 1467- 1472. 135. Nor Azan Mat Zin dan Wong Seng yue. 2009. History Educational Games Design. Proceedings 2009 International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics. 5-7 August 2009. Selangor, Malaysia. Vol.1, pp:269-275. 136. Rahmah Mokhtar and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2009. Teknik petua mudah dan petua kabur untuk pengesanan stail pembelajaran adaptif berasaskan web (SPABW). Prosiding Seinar Kebangsaan ICT dalam pendidikan 2009. Ipoh, Perak. 3-4 February 2009. 137. Wong Seng Yue dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2008. Digital Game-based learning (DGBL) model and development methodology for teaching history. RECENT ADVANCES in E-ACTIVITIES. Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES (E-ACTIVITIES '08) Cairo, Egypt. December 29-31, 2008. Pp.244-251. ISBN: 978-960-474-047-5. (indexed International Proceedings) 138. Azizah Jaafar, Norhana Yusof and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2008. E-AUVITAL Learning: Video Tutorial Approach. RECENT ADVANCES in E-ACTIVITIES. Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on E-ACTIVITIES (E-ACTIVITIES '08) Cairo, Egypt. December 29-31, 2008. Pp.200-204. ISBN: 978-960-474-047-5. (indexed International Proceedings) 139. Nor Azan MZ and Wong SY.2008. Game-based Learning (GBL) Model for history Courseware: A preliminary analysis. Proceedings of International Symposium on Information Technology 2008. Kula Lumpur, Malaysia. 26-29 August 2008.pp. 253-260. (IEEE indexed International Proceedings) 140. Nor Azan Mat Zin and Nur Yuhanis Mohd Nasir. 2008. Evaluation of Edutainment Animated Folk Tales Software to Motivate Socio-Cultural Awareness. Proceedings of the International Conference on Convergence and hybrid Information Technology (ICCIT08). Busan, Korea. November 11-13, 2008. (IEEE indexed International Proceedings) 141. Noor Azli M.M., Nor Azan, M.Z. and Shamsul Bahri, C.W. 2008. Digital games-based learning for children. Proceedings of Information Technology International Symposium, ITSim 2008. 26-28 Aug., Kuala Lumpur 2008. Volume: 1, page(s): 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2327-9 142. Noor Azli Mohamed Masrop, Nor Azan Mat Zin dan Khirulnizam Abd Rahman. 2008. Pendidikan Keusahawanan Berasaskan Permainan dan Simulasi Komputer. Prosiding The International Conference on Entrepreneurship (ICE) 2008. Langkawi, Kedah Darul Aman. 27– 28 May, 2008. 143. Noor Azli Mohamed Masrop dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2008. Ciri-ciri Motivasi didalam pembelajaran berasaskan permainan digital bagi pendidikan jawi. Prosiding Wacana pendidikan Islam peringkat kebangsaan siri ke-6. Kuching, Sarawak. 25-26 Julai 2008. 144. Nor Azan Mat Zin and Nur Yuhanis Mohd Nasir.2007. Edutainment Animated Folk Tales Software to Motivate Socio-Cultural Awareness. Computer Science Challenges: Proceedings of 7th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science. Venice, Itali. 310-315. Nov 21-23 2007. 145. Nor Azan Mat Zin and Wong Seng Yue. 2007. Learning Activities Management System (SPAP). IEEE Proceedings of The International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics ICEEI 2007. Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia. Vol. 1 pp 489-492. June 17-19, 2007. 146. Monmin Basri, Zawiyah Mohammad Yusof dan Nor Azan Haji Mat Zin. 2007. Menjamin Keselamatan Melalui Polisi Maklumat Kerajaan: Satu Tinjauan Susastera. Prosiding Simposium Kebudayaan Indonesia Malaysia (SKIM) Ke-10. 147. Nur Yuhanis Mohd Nasir and Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2007. Animated Folk Tales for Teaching Moral values. Proceedings of the 1st International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention 2007. Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Vol.2 pp 905-912. Nov.2-5 2007. 148. Monmin Basri, Zawiyah Mohammad Yusof dan Nor Azan Haji Mat Zin. 2007. Analisis dan Pembangunan Kerangka Polisi Maklumat Kebangsaan. Seminar Siswazah Kumpulan Penyelidikan Teknologi FTSM UKM. 149. Faridah Johar dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2007. Stail pembelajaran dan sistem hipermedia adaptif berasaskan web. Seminar Teknologi Maklumat 2007. 150. Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2006. Using Multimedia for Effective Teaching: Matching Instructions to Student`s Learning Styles. IEEE Proceedings of ICTTA`06 (International Conference on Information Technologies: from Theories to Applications); Damascus, Syria. Vol.1 pp 207-208 (abstrak) and (CD-ROM). Syria, 24-28 April 2006. 151. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman and Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah. 2004. Kajian Keberkesanan Perisian Adaptif Matematik: Reka bentuk berasaskan Stail Pembelajaran. Seminar Siswazah FTSM 2004, 13 Disember 2004. 152. Norshahriah Wahab, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Tg. Mohd. Tengku Sembok, Tg. Siti mariam Tg Wook, Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Norrafiah Hamli, and Aidanismah Yahya. 2003. The Development of A Literacy System based on Learner’s profile and Learning Styles: Multimedia Approach. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Information Technology (ITSim 2003). Selangor, UKM. 153. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman and Shahrul Azman Mohd Noah. 2003. Individualized Instruction: Learning Style and Mathematics Ability Diagnostic Tools. Proceedings of the Conference on Integrating Technology in Mathematical Sciences: 46-52. Pulau Pinang. 14-15 April 2003. 154. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman and Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah. 2003. Perisian Adaptif Multimedia: Reka Bentuk Berasaskan Stail Pembelajaran. Prosiding Seminar Siswazah 2003:117-120, Seminar Siswazah FTSM Julai 2003. UKM Bangi. 155. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman and Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah. 2002. Multimedia Mathematics Tutor: Matching Instruction to Student’s Learning Styles. IEEE Proceedings of the International conference on Computers in Education, Auckland, New Zealand. 3-6 December 2002. 156. Noor Maizuddin Mohamad Noor, Shahrul Azman Mohd dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2002. Perisian Interaktif Multimedia: Satu Kajian Kerperluan Maklumat ISO 14000 untuk Pendidikan dan Latihan bagi Industri Kecil dan Sederhana di Malaysia. Prosiding Seminar Siswazah 2002: 118-127, Seminar Siswazah FTSM Julai 2002. UKM Bangi. 157. Hairulliza Mohamad Judi, Hazilah Mohd Amin, Nor Azan Mat Zin and Salwani Abdullah. 2002. Jangkaan Majikan Terhadap Kebolehan Komputer Graduan. Proceedings of Information Technology Symposium IITSim’2K). pages 155- 159. FTSM, UKM. 158. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman and Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noah. 2002. Mathematics Multimedia Intelligent Tutoring System. Seminar Siswazah FTSM Julai 2002. UKM Bangi. 159. Nor Azan Mat Zin and Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria, 2001. Design and Development of an ISO 14000 Multimedia Guide for Implementation of Environmental Management System in SMIs in Malaysia. Proceedings of the ICCE/SchooINet 2001 International conference on Computers in Education 2001; Seoul, Korea, Vol.3, pp. 1362-1364. 160. Juhana Salim, Salwani Abdullah, Nor Azan Mat Zin dan Hazilah Mohd Amin. 2000. Employers' Expectation on the Computer Skills of IT Graduates: An Analysis by Types of Business and Industries. Proceedings of International Conference on Education and ICT in the New Millenium. Kuala Lumpur:27-28 October (on CD-ROM). 161. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria, Hairulliza Mohd Judi dan Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor, 2000. Panduan Multimedia untuk Implementasi 1S0 14000 bagi Industri kecil dan Sederhana (IKS) di Malaysia, Prosiding Seminar IRPA RMK-7. Jilid I; m.s. 286-289. 162. Hairulliza Mohd Judi, Hazilah Mohd Amin, Nor Azan Mat Zin dan Salwani Abdullah, 2000. Jangkaan Majikan terhadap kebolehan komputer graduan UKM, Prosiding Simposium Teknologi Maklumat 2000 (IT Sim'2K). UKM. Bangi. 163. Nor Azan Mat Zin. Teks Elektronik: Memanfaatkan Teknologi Terkini dalam Pendidikan. 1999. Proceedings of the International Conference On Teaching and Learning. Putra Jaya, Selangor. 24-25 November 1999. 164. Hazilah Mohd Amin, Hairulliza Mohd Judi, Shahnorbanun Sahran, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Salwani Abdullah, Kamsuriah Ahmad, Masri Ayob dan Zuraidah Abdullah, 1999. Jantina dan Literasi Komputer. International Conference On Teaching and Learning. Putra Jaya, Selangor. 24-25 November 1999. 165. Halimah Badioze Zaman, Tg. Mohd Tg. Sembok, Mohammed Yusoff, Azizi Abdullah, Azizah Jaafar, Nazlia Omar, Belal Abu Ata, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Nor Sakinah Mohamad. 1999. Development of Multimedia Courseware for Teaching and Learning of of Mathematics for Smart Schools: A Hybid Approach, Prosiding International Conference on Teaching and Learning. Putra Jaya, Selangor. 24-25 November 1999. 166. Shahnorbanun Sahran, Zarina Sukor, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Hazilah Mohd Amin, Hairulliza Mohd Judi, Norhayati abdul Mukti, Kamsuriah Ahmad, Masri Ayob, Salwani Abdullah dan Zuraidah Abdullah, 2000. Cabaran "TM': Bersediakah Guru-guru pelatih UKM?, Prosiding International Conference on teaching and Learning . Putra Jaya, Selangor. 24-25 November 1999. 167. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Norhayati Abdul Mokti, Hairulliza Mohd Judi, Hazilah Mohd Amin,Shahnorbanun Sahran, Kamsuriah Ahmad, Masri Ayob, Salwani Abdullah dan Zuraidah Abdullah. 1999. Gender Differences in Computer Literacy Level Among Undergraduate Students in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Proceedings of conference on information Technology in Asia (CITA’99). Kuching, Sarawak. 16-17 September 1999.501-510. 168. Halimah Badioze Zaman, Tg. Mohd Tg. Sembok, Mohammed Yusoff, Azizi Abdullah, Azizah Jaafar, Nazlia Omar, Belal Abu Ata, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Nor Sakinah Mohamad. 1999. Hybrid ID Approach: Development ofa Multimedia in Education (ME) Courseware in Mathematics for Smart Schools. 1999.USM, P.Pinang. Prosiding Kolokium Kebangsaan Perayaan Ulang Tahun ke 25 PPS Matematik USM. 169. Halimah Badioze Zaman, Tg. Mohd Tg. Sembok, Mohammed Yusoff, Azizi Abdullah, Azizah Jaafar, Nazlia Omar, Belal Abu Ata, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Nor Sakinah Mohamad. 1999. A Case of Collaborative Model Between Business and University: Leveraging on Strengths for the Success of MSC. Persidangan Ke 3 Academy of Management. 16-17 Julai 1999. Kuala Trengganu, Trengganu. 170. Tg. Mohd Tg. Sembok, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Mohammed Yusoff, Azizi Abdullah, Azizah Jaafar, Nazlia Omar, Belal Abu Ata, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Nor Sakinah Mohamad. ME Model and Fittings Principle: A Pedagogical Approach to Multimedia Courseware Development for Smart School. International Conference on Communication in the Asia-Pacific Region: Towards the 21st Century. 26-29 April 1999. UKM, Bangi. 171. Hairulliza Mohd Judi, Hazilah Mohd Amin, Shahnorbanun Sahran, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Halimah Badioze Zaman, Salwani Abdullah, Kamsuriah Ahmad, Masri Ayob dan Zuraidah Abdullah.1999. Kebolehan Komunikasi elektronik pelajar UKM. Pasca sidang Seminar Penyelidikan Komunikasi, UKM Bangi. 23-24 November 1999. 172. Halimah Badioze Zaman, Aziz Deraman, Mohd Shanuddin Zakaria, Mohammed Yusoff, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Norhayati Abdul Mokti, Tg. Mohd. Tengku Sembok, Siti Rahaya Ariffin, Suzilawati ismail dan putri Sabariah Megat Abdul Rahman. 1999. Pembangunan Perisian untuk Menggalakkan Literasi: Pendekatan Multimedia. Prosiding Seminar Pemantauan Penyelidikan, UKM, 30Julai-1 Ogos 1999. 173. Hairulliza Mohamad Judi dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 1999. Kajian Rintis Literasi Komputer di kalangan Pelajar UKM. Prosiding Seminar sehari Isu-isu Kependudukan Malaysia II. UKM,Bangi, 1 April 1999. 174. Halimah Badioze Zaman, Tg. Mohd Tg. Sembok, Mohammed Yusoff, Azizi Abdullah, Azizah Jaafar, Nazlia Omar, Belal Abu Ata, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Nor Sakinah Mohamad. 1998. ME: A Multimedia Based Tutoring System for Mathematics. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia at UNITEN (ICM)U'98). Kuala Lumpur, 28-30 September 1998. |
Other publications | ||||
175. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Seyed Yashar Banihashem dan Norlinah Mohamed. 2016. Impak magazine. Parkinson`s desease and involuntary tremor- an adaptive path smoothing technique via B-spline (APSS). November 2016, pp 27. 176. Nurul Izzah Othman dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2016. Framework of Visual Interaction: Accessibility Design Elements and Guidelines of Serious Game Review for Visually Impaired People. Technical Report. 177. Zawiyah M. Yusof, Hazura Mohamed, Jamaiah Yahaya, Kamsuriah Ahmad, Muriati Mukhtar, Nor Azan Mat Zin, Ravie Chandren Muniyandi, Rossilawati Sulaiman, Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor. 2014. 2014 Softam Postgraduate Seminar: Book of Abstract. 178. Mohana Muniandy, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Azrulhizam Shapii`. 2014. Speech-Based Natural User Interface in Participatory Computer Game Design for Speech Therapy. 2014 SOFTAM Postgraduate Seminar. 179. Liew Tze Wei, Nor Azan Mat Zin & Noraidah Sahari @ Ashaari. 2014. Facial and vocal expressions of virtual agent in virtual learning environment. 2014 Softam Postgraduate Seminar. 180. Wong Seng Yue dan Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2013. Penggunaan ICT dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Sejarah. Kertas kerja jemputan yang dibentang di Sidang Kemuncak Sejarah Malaysia 2013 (History Summit). 17-18 Disember 2013, Kuala Lumpur. 181. Halimah Badioze Zaman, Nor Azan Mat Zin and Siti Fazilah. 2007. End of Report Multimedia system based on learning Styles. (Monograf). 182. Zawiyah Mohammad Yusof, Shahrul Azman Mohd. Noh, Nor Azan Mat Zain, Juhana Salim & Azizah Jaafar. 2005. Prosiding Seminar Capaian Maklumat dan Pengurusan Pengetahuan. Bangi: Jabatan Sains Maklumat, Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat. (edited book). 183. Nor Azan Mat Zin. 2005. Pembangunan dan Kepenggunaan Perisian Kursus Adaptif Multimedia (A-MathS): Reka Bentuk Berasaskan Stail Pembelajaran. Tesis PhD. Bangi: UKM. (PhD thesis). 184. Nor Azan Mat Zin. Laporan Akhir Projek: IRPA 04-02-02-0023 Multimedia Guide for ISO 14000 Implementation in Small and Medium Scale Industries (SMIs). 2001. Siri laporan Teknikal, FTSM, UKM. (technical report). 185. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Hairulliza Mohd Judi, Hazilah Mohd Amin dan Salwani Abdullah. Employers' Expectation of Graduates ICT Literacy. 2000. Proceedings of the International Forum cum Conference on Information Technology and Communication at the Dawn of the New Millenium. Bangkok, Thailand. 1-4 August. (paper presented at seminar). 186. Nor Azan Mat Zin, Mohamad Pauzi Zakaria, Hairulliza Mohd Judi dan Siti Fadzilah Mat Noor, 2000. Development of ISO 14000 Multimedia Courseware. Paper presented at the Conference on Environmental Issues and Challenges in Malaysia. UKM Bangi, 25-26. |