• Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat
  • Faculty of Information Science and Technology


JIAM FTSM aims to enhance strategic, sustainable and impactful university-industry engagements at national, regional and international levels. By establishing strategic partnerships with diverse stakeholders, JIAM can promote the faculty by sharing reciprocal benefits that will eventually strengthened and support the university as well as the faculty through education, research, training and services.

Some of our smart partners:



JIAM FTSM pursues strategic engagements with the community as an avenue to give back to the society in a knowledge transfer and collaborative effort to improve the livelihood of the target group. We aim to create a sustainable development and relationship with the community concerned. The smart partnership with internal and external stakeholders acts as a bridging platform to connect and enhance the community engagement through FTSM and rural activities.

Our community engagement activities:
