• Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat
  • Faculty of Information Science and Technology

Why Choose Us?


QS World University Ranking by Subject 2024

Top 100 in the world

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Top 200 in the world

Engineering & Technology

Top 250 in the world

Computer Science & Information Systems

The Faculty of Information Science and Information Technology is a stimulating environment in which new ideas, experimental designs, and robust systems are plentiful.

Our teaching programmes are always among the top in Malaysia. We also enjoy strong links with industries, which helps to ensure that our research and teaching is well informed and relevant to the needs of society.

Life for undergraduate majors centers around the various educational computing facility which is housed in the faculty. Apart from the major academic courses, all undergraduate students will participate in various Special Interest Groups (SIGs), aiming to promote students in applying and fostering their skills dan knowledge to industries and communities.

These SIGs ranging from Intelligent Machines Club, Cyber Hack & Ethics to Video Innovation inculcate creativities and innovations of our students. In the final year of the four years of the undergraduate programs, students will embark on a final year project and five months of industrial attachment.

Life for postgraduate students will mainly focus on the three research centers within the faculty: the Center for Artificial Intelligence (CAIT), the Center for Software Technology & Management (SOFTAM), and the Center for Cyber Security (Siber). Students will belong to either of these research centers which support conducive and supportive research environments.