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Table 1. Distance coverage and duration from point to point

                         Distance      Time start           Time finish           Duration
                           (m)   Move-base    RRT      Move-base    RRT     Move-base   RRT
           Origin to Point 1    13.3   1 m 44 sec    0.00    2 m 50 sec    56 sec   1 m 6 sec    56 sec

           Point 1 to Point 2    4.5   2 m 51 sec    56 sec    3 m 40 sec    1 min 27 sec   49 sec    30 sec
           Point 2 to Point 3    7.9   3 m 41 sec    1 min 28 sec   4 m 20 sec    4 min 22 sec   39 sec    2 min 54 sec
           Point 3 to Point 4    5.0   4 m 21 sec    4 min 23 sec   5 m    6 min 57 sec   39 sec    2 min 34 sec
           Point 4 to Point 5    10.3   5 m 01 sec    6 min 58 sec   5 m 42 sec    8 min 6 sec   41 sec    2 min 8 sec
           Point 5 to Point 6   7.2   5 m 43 sec    8 min 7 sec   6 min 16 sec    8 min 30 sec   33 sec    23  ec

        4.  Conclusion

           This  project  highlights  the  capability  of  a  path  planning  algorithm  to  navigate  in  a  duct  environment
        successfully.  The  proposed  algorithm  is  evaluated  based  on  a  duct  environment  using  the  Rviz  simulator.
        Further improvement on the distance and duration using other algorithms is planned.


           The authors want to acknowledge the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia and University Kebangsaan
        Malaysia for funding and supporting this project using grant code FRGS/1/2020/ICT02/UKM/02/7.


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        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [229]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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