Page 152 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 152

Development of Down Syndrome Child Assessment Application


         Syahrul Mauluddin , Marliana Budhiningtias Winanti , Dadang Munandar , Imelda
                    Pangaribuan , Feisal Abdurrahman , Muhamad Chairil Akmal
                     a,b,d,e,f Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur No. 102-116, Bandung and 40132, Indonesia
                        c Universitas Wanita Internasional, Jl. Pasir Kaliki No. 179 A Bandung 40173, Indonesia
                                     * Email:


        This study aims to develop a prototype of assessment application for children with Down syndrome. This application is to
        help parents with Down syndrome children in detecting the growth and development of Down syndrome children and
        making development programs. The development of this application is motivated by the fact that children with Down
        syndrome have various weaknesses in physical, health and IQ. These weaknesses cause a high risk of developmental delays
        in children with Down syndrome. Therefore, every parent with Down syndrome child needs to know each stage of their
        child's  development  then  carry  out  a  child  development  program  to  prevent  delays  in  their  child's  development.  In
        developing the assessment application for children with Down syndrome, a prototype model system development method
        is  used  with  an  object-oriented  approach.  Activities  in  this  research  are  database  design,  interface  design,  and  build
        assessment  of  children  with  Down  syndrome  applications. Presence  od  Down  syndrome  child  assessment  application,
        hopefully can help parents of Down syndrome children in detecting the development of their child's development so that it
        is known whether or not there is a delay in their child's development. In addition, parents can also make a child development
        program followed by making a daily record of the process and results of implementing their child's development program,
        so that their child's growth and development can be monitored and become evaluation material for further development

        Keywords: Application, Down Syndrome, Assessment, POTADS;

        1.  Introduction

           Children are the greatest gift from God to human being. In creating the human child, God has his own secret.
        Some children are born normal, and some are born special. One of them is a child with Down syndrome. Down
        syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes people to experience delays in growth, as well as physical disabilities
        and weaknesses. The number of children with Down syndrome is born in various parts of the world, according
        to the World Health Organization (WHO), the birth rate with Down syndrome is 1: 1,000 births worldwide.
        Each year, about 3,000 to 5,000 children are born with Down syndrome (InfoDATIN Pusat Data dan Informasi
        Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2019).
           Congenital or birth defects such as Down syndrome cannot be treated, so the best effort for parents is to
        provide proper parenting so that children with Down syndrome can live independently. Because the main task
        faced by someone with a disability is to achieve independence (Hasanah, Wibowo, & Humaedi, 2016). The lack
        of knowledge of the parents about the care and fulfillment of child with down syndrome (CDS) rights causes
        CDS to adulthood not having independence, from caring for themselves to carrying out their social functions.
           To help parents understand how to treat children with Down syndrome, some CDS parents join the Parents
        Association of Children with Down Syndrome (POTADS) community. The purpose of POTADS was formed
        to empower parents who have children with Down syndrome to be always eager to help their special child grow
        and develop (POTADS, 2020).
           To help the growth and development of CDS optimally, the abilities needed by CDS parents are to assess
        and compile an CDS development program, so that parents can evaluate CDS weaknesses and improve CDS

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [139]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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