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addressing  their  market size  and algorithm and big data monopoly used or abused  with respect to finding
        infringement on digital based structure.

        4. Recommendation and Conclusion to the Legal Conundrum in Digital Economy

           A nuanced regulatory approach much required to balance innovation and to focus on platform markets usage
        of algorithm to set prices. In the war between Man versus system, sovereignty and efficiency are beginning to
        show strong  potential for conflict on the  following issues: the nature and protection of data, the  way  it is
        communicated and stored, the models and algorithms according to which it is processed and used the authority
        it is given to act and the people whose labour it replaces. The Malaysian, Indonesian and Indian case study
        reflects the enforcement conundrum in Asia’s digital economy market because far ill-equipped, need more
        political will as well as expertise and experts to deal with the digital giants. Asian regulators digital management
        and choice of direction on digital market mindsets also more protective of the competitor to avoid the potential
        disincentive effect of cooling on the degree of innovations that may restrict the digital economy. The local Asian
        regulator needs to embed expertise and expert tools as part of their legal fact-finding to identify the perpetrator
        in the digital plethora. Therefore, competition agencies must enhance their existing procedure by appointing
        specialists in digital markets units and officers to catch-up with the fast-paced digital markets technological
        development.  And  traditional  tools  for  competition  analysis  must  be  refinement  to  address  better  the
        specificities of online markets, such as the multisided nature of platforms, network effects, zero-price markets,
        so-called ‘big data’ and the increased use of algorithms to find the right balance between the man and not
        anymore,  the  machine  but  the  digital  embedded  brain,  the  algorithm,  AI,  or  big-data  owner  to  unveil  the
        perpetrator behind the screen.


           Authors  are  grateful  and  thankful  to  University  Technology  MARA  (UiTM),  Pulau  Pinang  for  all  the
        financial assistance given for this conference research paper.

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