Page 145 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 145

Digital Market Governance and Challenges on Competition Law
                          in Asia: Malaysia, India, and Indonesia

               Angayar Kanni Ramaiah  , Anupam Sanghi  , Ningrum Natasya Sirait          c
                          a University Teknologi  MARA, Cawangan Pulau Pinang Malaysia, Bukit Mertajam, 35000 Malaysia
                                        b  Anupam Sanghi & Associates, India
                                      c Universitas Sumatra Utara, Medan, Indonesia
                                          * Email:

        The magnitude of the consumer market in East Asia in particularly India, and ASEAN nations has evolved a robust digital
        revolution and competition, enhancing the efficiency of the nations digital market. This digital economy is also succumbed
        with multitude of unprecedented challenges, like the killer merger, algorithmic manipulations, and abuse of dominance. So,
        tension has grown on the governance and regulatory control on the usage of the technological tools and resulting impact on
        the consumer welfare. Although this is indeed a   global phenomenon, the Asian regulators are further challenged because
        of their relatively inadequate, rather unprepared rules of the game in digital platforms, to regulate the unfathomable, digital
        features  like,  the big data  (with technologically  advanced  tools) management,  algorithmic  usage,  and  related  artificial
        intelligence  (AI).  These  tech  features  have  shifted  beyond  human  sovereignty  to  machine  efficiency  (data  gathering,
        processing and usage) bypassing all the conventional legal podium. The developing economy like ASEAN and India are
        heavily dependent on the Western technology and their Competition Law enforcement is comparatively still at infant stage
        with limited resources to tackle or legitimise all the digital activity. This paper firstly highlights the lack of jurisdictional
        control and challenges on Asian competition agencies, on digital mergers, algorithmic price setting mechanism and abuse
        of dominance with case study in Malaysia, Indonesia, and India. Secondly, discusses enforcement mechanism adopted in
        advanced  jurisdiction  like  European  Union  and  the  United  States  before  concluding  the  discussion  with  some
        recommendations for improvement.

        Keywords: competition law; digital economy; big data; algorithm and artificial intelligence

        1. Introduction

           Digital  marketing,  with  smart  digital  computing  technologies,  on  platform-markets  via  internet  and  the
        World Wide Web (WWW) infused with various anti-competitive collusion (price-fixing or cartel), monopoly,
        and  Mergers  and  Acquisition  (M&A)  using  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI),  as  hub  and  spoke  network  and
        algorithm. The governance of this digital knowledge management and marketing is still an evolving experience
        for  Asian  regulators,  who  are  rather  slow  and  often  challenged  to  properly  address  its  atrocities.  Thus,
        significant decline in ‘competition’ experienced in precipitating concentrated market or market dominance, with
        the  rising  market  power  of  large  firms  that  are  slowing  business  dynamism  (Foda  &  Patel,  2018)  and
        transactional  decisions  of  the  consumers  (when  providing  their  personal  data)  (Ritter  &  Slyom,  2018).
        Therefore, potential digital firm’s scale on platforms, its intangible capital, market concentration and knowledge
        monopoly must be moderated to ensure level playing field for competitors, newcomers as well as consumer
        welfare.  Competition Law (CL) and policy that  moderates market efficiency  has  a broad and deep role  to
        moderate these fast-moving digital features from adversely effecting market competition (Peter & Singh,2019).
        This  paper  discusses  the  digital  market  challenges  on  Asian  eco-system  with  respect  to  digital  merger,

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [132]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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