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P. 64

A Student Performance Model Towards Student Performance


                         Nor Samsiah Sani , Ahmad Fikri Mohamed Nafuri *
         a,b Center for Artificial Intelligence Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600
                                            Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.


        Student’s performance prediction research on higher education commonly usesexamination grades and results as the main
        attribute.Contrastingly,in our research, the aim is todevelopa predictive model ofstudent’s performance using student’s data
        that has been enriched with data derived from students activities and employment status as the prediction label.This paper
        focuses on the early part of model development which is data preprocessing. In data preprocessing, several measures have
        been taken such as data integration, data cleaning, data transformation and correlation analysis using Spearman correlation.
        The results show that there are 15significant attributes with higher relation to the employment status.

        Keywords: student performance; pre processing; prediction

        1. Introduction

           The ability to predict student’sacademic performance is very important in the field of education. The impact
        on  academic  performance  comes  from  a  variety  of  sources  such  as  personal,  social,  psychological  and
        environmental  factors  (Al-Hagery  et  al.,  2020).  Student’s  academic  performance  issue  is  highly  debated,
        especially in tertiary education, because it has a direct impact on employability chances (Bhagavan et al., 2020).
        All parties in the field of education such as educational institutions, instructors, students and researchers can
        benefit by applying learning analytics on higher education data. For example, Avella et al. (2016)emphasised
        that  the  benefits  includetargeted  course  offerings,  curriculum  development,  student  learning  outcomes,
        personalized  learning,  improved  instructor  performance,post-educational  employment  opportunities  and
        enhanced research in the field of education. Moreover, the results obtained such as significantly interesting
        samples,  trends  and  even  hidden  information  can  help  stakeholders  in  improving  the  process  of  teaching,
        exploration and description of phenomena occurring in the field of education (Osmanbegović & Suljić, 2012).
           Therefore, the use of data mining methods in achieving the objectives of study is viewedas very appropriate
        because  of  its  ability  to  handle  large  amount  of  data  while  identifyinghidden  patterns  and  relationships
        (Bhardwaj, 2011). Hellas et al. (2018) stated in the study of predicting student performance that some methods
        that are often used by researchers can be categorized into several groups, namely classification (supervised
        learning), clustering (unsupervised learning), mining (finding frequent patterns and/or extraction of features)
        and  statistics  (correlation,  regression  and  t-test).  However,  Zulkifli  et  al.  (2019)  suggested  that  predictive
        modelling for educational data in Malaysia are still lacking in terms of research number in order to yield a clear
        picture on student’s academic performance in academic institutions.
           Impact  of  different  attributes  on  the  student  performance  is  widely  reviewed  and  discussed  in  various
        researches. Researchers have included correlation method in analyzing the influencing factors in most of their
        works. Hutagaol & Suharjito (2019) studied the correlation between demographic and academic performance
        to predict student dropout and concluded that variables such as student’s attendance, homework-grade, mid-test
        grade, and finals-test grade, total credit, GPA, student's area, parent’s income, parent’s education level, gender

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [51]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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