Page 102 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 102

4. Results

            Table I highlights the performance of the proposed BiLSTM model for cardiac arrhythmia detection versus
        varying BiLSTM layers. The number of filters for each layer is set to 32. In addition, Adam optimizer and
        binary  cross-entropy  loss  are  considered.  From  Table  I,  it  can  be  observed  that  accuracy  and  specificity
        performance improve with increasing BiLSTM layers. In contrast, the recall performance slightly decreases
        with increasing BiLSTM layers. Another thing to notice is that the training performance in a majority of the
        cases is much higher than the validation performance. A possible option to improve the validation performance
        is to use a higher number of filters for each layer. Another option is to make use of nonlinear activation functions
        and batch normalization techniques. However, these changes come at the cost of increased complexity and
        Table 1: Performance of the proposed BiLSTM model for cardiac arrhythmia detection versus varying BiLSTM layers

         BiLSTM         Module         Accuracy     Recall (%)   Precision (%)   Specificity (%)
         layers         (Training/     (%)
             1 Layer    Training           81.0        91.7         75.1              70.9
                        Validation         56.9        40.5         39.9              66.0
            2 Layers    Training           85.5        90.7         81.6              80.5
                        Validation         55.7        30.1         35.8              69.9
            3 Layers    Training           76.0        67.6         80.2              84.1
                        Validation         63.6        35.3         48.8              79.4
            4 Layers    Training           80.3        88.9         75.3              72.0
                        Validation         56.0        11.6         25.2              80.8
            5 Layers    Training           85.5        87.5         83.5              83.5
                        Validation         56.1        67.0         18.7              83.6

        5. Conclusion:
           Prediction of cardiac arrhythmia through ECG signal analysis is gaining considerable importance to current
        researchers and clinicians. The BiLSTM model is one of the prominent deep learning models being used for
        arrhythmia detection. However, a study analyzing the impact of BiLSTM variation on the performance of
        cardiac arrhythmia detection is still lacking. In this paper, the performance of the BiLSTM model for arrhythmia
        classification  with  different  numbers  of  BiLSTM  layers  is  analyzed.  It  can  be  said  that  the  accuracy  and
        specificity performance of the model increases with increasing BiLSTM layers. As part of the future work, the
        impact of the number of filters, nonlinear activation functions, and dropout rate will be studied to achieve further
        performance improvements.

             The authors acknowledge the support of this research by the Yayasan Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
        Fundamental Research Grant (YUTP-FRG) under Grant 015LC0-244.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [89]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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