Page 201 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 201

Preliminary Work on Bag-of-Requirement Representation for
                                           SMA Reviews

          Mustafa Abdulkareem , Sabrina Tiun , Umi Asma` Mokhtar  , Masnizah Mohd
           a,b Asian Language Processing (ASLAN) Lab, CAIT, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, UKM, Selangor, Malaysia
              c Information Governance (IG) Lab, CYBER,Faculty of Information Science and Technology, UKM, Selangor, Malaysia
                d Cyber Intelligence (CI) Lab, CYBER, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, UKM, Selangor, Malaysia

        Information extraction from user reviews has recently been used for social requirement retrieval to enhance the
        social media apps (SMA) development process. However, with the overwhelming amount of reviews, one needs
        to identify reviews that are relevant and ignore reviews that are not relevant or non-informative. To facilitate in
        identifying the relevant reviews, a representation related to social requirement terms of such review seems
        necessary. This paper describes our on-going work on building the SMA reviews representation by combining
        the  Wordnet  lexical  and  review  word  embedding  and  relates  the  representation  to  the  standard  social
        requirements.  The  work  is  still  at  the  very  early  stage  where  we  layout  the  method  to  combine  the  word
        embedding and Wordnet, expanding the social requirement term, and relating review to social requirements.

        Keywords: Social requirement, Social media application, social media reviews, Word embedding, WordNet;

        1. Introduction

           Nowadays, social media applications (SMA) such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., play a large part in
        people's lives, such as sharing feelings and their daily activities Continuously, which makes this information
        easy to access and in a simple way for anyone (Hemmatirad 2020). The sharing of information by the massive
        number  of  users  has  led  to  the  emergence  of  many  text  classification  techniques,  opinion  mining,  and
        information extraction (Martinez-Rodriguez, Hogan, and Lopez-Arevalo 2020).
           Popular application platforms such as Apple and Android allow users to evaluate applications by writing
        texts that refer to personal reviews about the application. These reviews are among the rich sources for software
        developers to upgrade their applications to users' needs. Also, these reviews are of high importance for new

        2. Research Gap and Related Work

           Existing research on mining app store reviews has been focused on extracting and classifying technically
        informative reviews into bug reports and feature requests (Alomar et al. 2021). However, little attention has
        been paid to extracting and synthesizing the social requirements present in user reviews. Social requirements,
        such  as  security,  privacy,  and  performance,  enforce  various  design  constraints  throughout  the  software
        development process  (Whitworth 2011). Addressing these constraints is a critical factor for achieving user
        satisfaction and maintaining market practicality.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [188]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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