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incorporation from a space with a single dimension per term to a continuous vector space with a significantly
        lower dimension (Diaz et al.,2016). The embedding models are normally trained in a broad corpus based on
        term proximity. For instance, the goal of the Word2Vec model is to predict the next word(s), i.e., the context
        window around the target word. This course aims to capture semantic and syntactic similarity between terms,
        since similar words often share similar contexts. The primary objective of many IR approaches is to model
        relevance  (Saracevic,2016;  Lavrenko  &  Croft,2017).  In  conclusion,  the  WE  approaches  seem  to  be  more
        promising way for AQE than the conventional approaches.


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        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [194]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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