Page 212 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 212

2. Proposed Methodology

           Our proposed method exploited the LOD information to enrich the movie information. Thus, it may further
        enhance the effectiveness of the clustering process. We selected two persistent attributes and representative of
        the movie domain in which we performed the evaluation. Further resources could be iteratively expanded based
        on these attributes. Movies in DBpedia, for example, provide essential details such as star cast and director. As
        illustrated in Fig. 1, additional information about the actor who starred in the movie can be explored through
        the LOD (e.g., the relation 'dbo:starring' existing between 'Keanu Reeves' and 'The Matrix').

        Fig. 1. Movie relation based on DBpedia attribute

           The research framework employed in this study is as illustrated in Fig. 2. It differentiates the workflow
        applies between baseline and GRS-LOD model with four main components.
           The GRS-LOD model is built on the first component, which comprises five major processes. The first two
        processes, 'ML1M-DBpedia mapping' and 'DBpedia data extraction', include linking and extracting the two
        datasets. While the third process entails data filtering and integration once the data has been enriched with
        DBpedia information. A pre-clustering phase is employed in the fourth process, 'On-attributes similarity', that
        finds similarities between users based on the investigated attributes. The generated user cluster based on the
        attributes is then subjected to a rating prediction based on attribute similarity. Note that we implement the rating
        prediction for five users on each selected data of attribute.

        Fig. 2. Research framework

           The GRS-LOD model produces an additional rating dataset based on the DBpedia attributes. The model is
        then  used  to  build  clusters  using  the  k-Nearest  Neighbour  (kNN)  algorithm.  This  approach  clusters
        homogeneous user with an automatically detected group, and it alludes to the second component. The basic
        principle  of  neighbourhood-based  clustering  is  to  find  similarities  between  users.  It  represents  each  user's
        neighbourhood is those other users who are most similar to him. We assume that two people have comparable
        interests and are similar if they rated the movie similarly. We use cosine similarity in this study.
           We apply the Average (AV) (1) and Most Pleasure (MP) (2) aggregation strategies along with the profile
        aggregation approach. A brief description of each strategy, which         (  ,   ) represents the group preferences for
        the item   ,               is the user preference    for the item   , and the group preferences is represented by   .

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [198]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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