Page 87 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
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2.2. Feature selection

        Features  with  weightage  of  information  gain  above  zero  were  selected.  Then  the  matrix  correlation  was
        performed to select only correlation weight that exceeds 0.5. As for the imbalanced data handling, SMOTE
        techniques (Chawla et. al. 2002) were used. Details on selected features are shown in Table 1.

        2.3. Prediction modelling
        Dataset  treated  with  SMOTE  dataset  has  achieved  better  result  for  all  matrix  evaluations  for  both  classes
        compared to the original dataset although there was a slightly decrease in accuracy, specificity, FPR readings,
        classification error and MSE. Models with SMOTE capabilities predict both survival and death classes with
        overall accuracy was 98.85%.  Thus, this dataset will be used to further improved the classification algorithm.
           Two  main phase that encompasses training phase and testing phase  (Hsieh et al. 2019). Training phase
        requires 70% while the rest 30% for the testing portion. 10-fold crossvalidation were also arried out as an error
        estimator for 70% training data thus reducing error variation, estimating accurate performance and to avoid
           The experiment was conducted on three algorithmic models called Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (GBDT),
        K-Neighbor Nearest (KNN) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Parameter optimization carried out as well
        to find optimal performance which reduces the loss function for better performance.
        3. Result

           The best performance of parameter optimization for dataset A, B and C was at learning rate of 0.1 for GBDT.
        GBDT achieved accuracy as 99.30% with 98.87% sensitivity and AUC as 0.998 with misclassification error
        was 0.7% for dataset A. Detail comparison for each dataset is shown in Fig. 1.

        Fig.1.: Comparison of prediction algorithm for dataset A, B and C.

           Overall, all algorithms competitively work efficiently above 90.0% for all matrix evaluation. GBDT shows
        the  best  performance  for  all  dataset  with  maximum  achievement  fall  to  dataset  C  although  only  slightly
        performance improvement with accuracy was 99.55%, sensitivity was 99.72%, specificity was 99.83%, AUC
        was 1.000, F Score was 99.55%, FPR was 0.62%, FNR was 0.28%, classification error was 0.45% and MSE
        was 0.003. Training execution time took 3.5 minutes but still shows fast execution time in line with large features
        found in dataset C.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [74]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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