Page 80 - AKSES vol3
P. 80

AKSES                                                        PENSY AR AH  BARU                                               ADV ANCING  KNOWLEDGE  FOR  SUC CESS                       FT SM  UKM

                                                DR. KAUTHAR MOHD DAUD   | k .m y                                                                     DR. NURHIDAYAH BAHAR  | nbahar@uk .m y

                                           Kauthar Mohd Daud was conferred a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from                                              Nurhidayah Bahar is a Senior Lecturer at the National University of Malaysia,
                                           Universiti  Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) in 2019. Before that, she received her                                          Malaysia. She received her Bachelor’s in Information Technology in Software
                                           Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Bioinformatics from Multimedia University                                         Engineering from the University Malaysia Terengganu, Master’s in Information
                                           and Universiti Malaya. After completing her studies, she was appointed as an                                         Technology from the University Technology MARA and PhD from the University
                                           academic fellow in Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT),                                     of Malaya. She researches and teaches within the information systems domain
                                           UTM-KL. Currently, she is working as a Senior Lecturer in the Center of Artificial                                   including knowledge management, IT/IS, database and e-commerce. Her
                                           Intelligence  Technology,  Faculty  of  Information  Science  and  Technology,                                       current research focuses on knowledge management and the use of technology
                                           Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She has published several articles in                                          in any sectors of the economy such as education, business, healthcare, retail,
                                           international  conferences  and journals.  Her research interests  are  artificial                                   and finance to name a few.  She has developed an emergent knowledge
                                           intelligence and optimization in metabolic engineering, cancer research, and                                         management framework for healthcare institutions and identify the relevant
                                           image processing.                                                                                                    technologies to facilitate the knowledge management practice. She has also
                                                                                                                                                                expanded and continued similar studies in other field such as business and
                                                                                                                              logistics industry. She has conducted several studies using qualitative approach. Particularly, she conducted close to
            DR. WANDEEP KAUR A/P RATAN SINGH   | w andeep@uk .m y
                                                                                                                              100 hundred interviews with professionals from healthcare, accounting field, logistics industry and business enterprise.
                                                                                                                              Apart from interview, she has vast experience in observing process to gather systematic information or data. She has
          Wandeep Kaur a/p Ratan Singh received her PhD degree in opinion mining
          (sentiment and  emotion analysis) from the Faculty of Computer Science &                                            employed variety data analytic techniques in her studies including first-cycle and second-cycle coding, thematic analysis,
          Information Technology, University of Malaya in 2020. She worked in a software                                      content analysis, narrative analysis and discourse analysis. She has been publishing articles in many international and
          house designing money laundering detection algorithms for the banking                                               high-ranking journals. Also, she became a reviewer for top Knowledge Management related journals. Apart from that,
          industry before pursuing her higher education. Currently, she serves as a senior                                    she is also active in giving talk related to writing a compelling proposal and thesis, career talk in ICT as well as qualitative
          lecturer at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). She has recently received                                         methodology. She has conducted several talks in local and international universities.
          the Fundamental Research  Grant Scheme  (FRGS) 2021  title  “An Integrated
          Word Embeddings and Semantic Linguistic Features Approach for Electronic
          Medical Record Classification”. Her research area of interest lies within the area
          of computational linguistics using machine learning techniques focusing on                                              DR. ELAHEH YADEGARIDEHKORDI  | e .y adigar i@uk .m y
          analyzing lexical, syntactic, and semantic rules of a language for sentiment and
          emotion classification purposes.                                                                                    Elaheh Yadegaridehkordi is currently a senior lecturer in the Center for Software
                                                                                                                              Technology and Management, Faculty of Information Science and Technology,
                                                                                                                              National University of Malaysia (UKM). She was awarded a highly competitive
                                                         DR. KERK YI WEN | yker k@uk .m y                               full PhD scholarship in the field of Information Systems by the Ministry of
                                                                                                                              Education Malaysia (MOE) (2011-2015). She worked as a Post-Doctoral Research
                                           Kerk Yi Wen received both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Engineering       Fellow  at  the  Faculty  of  Computer  Science  and  Information  Technology,
                                           from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia, in 2014 and 2016, respectively, and    University of Malaya (UM). Then she joined Amirkabir University of Technology
                                           PhD degree from Deakin University, Australia in 2020. She is currently a Lecturer   as a Post-Doctoral researcher. She is an active member of the Association for
                                           at  Faculty  of  Information  Science  & Technology, The  National  University     Information Systems (AIS). She has received several awards for her exceptional
                                           of  Malaysia, Malaysia.  Her research  interests include  fuzzy systems, risk      research and performance. She has been an editorial board member of the
                                           management, machine learning, and data mining.                                     journal, the technical program committee and chairperson of many international

                                                                                                                              conferences, and reviewer of highly ranked ISI journals and international
                                                                                                                              conferences.  The outcomes of her research have been published in highly ranked leading scientific journals and
                                                                                                                              international  conferences.  Her  research  interests  are  Information  Technology,  Information  Systems,  green  and
                                                                                                                              sustainability, big data analytics, cloud computing, educational technology, tourism management, health Information
                                                                                                                              Systems, Internet of Things, recommender systems, etc.
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