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P. 171

Explainable Recommender – Implementation Approaches

             Neeraj Tiwary , Shahrul Azman Mohd Noah , Fariza Fauzi , Steffen Staab
                     a Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Malaysia
                        b WAIS, University of Southampton, UK & Analytic Computing, Universität Stuttgart, DE
                               * Email:,


        During the last few decades, with the rise of YouTube, Amazon, Netflix, and many other web services, recommender
        systems are playing a more important role in our lives and are well-researched. Organizations want to recommend the
        contents/products based on individual needs. Personalization is the one aspect where every organization is paying more
        attention. Personalized services enable users to find related/relevant information quickly, be it a shopping item, movie, news,
        travel  ideas,  or  restaurants  that  best  suits  their  tastes  from  the  countless  choices.  Thus,  the  demand  for  personalized
        recommenders has become pervasive in all domains. Besides providing the right recommendations, explainability for those
        recommendations is also very much required. The ability to explain how/why these recommendations are suggested will
        bridge the confidence and trust of the users in the system. Knowledge graph, reinforcement learning, and language models
        are  some  recent  state-of-the-art  technological  advancements.  Recommendation  systems  can  benefit  from  these
        advancements by effectively applying them to enhance the efficacy of the explainable recommendations. The objective of
        this paper is to discuss the various implementation methods for developing an explainable recommendation engine. The
        contribution  of  this  paper  is  to  explain  the  concept  of  explainable  recommendation  as  well  as  provide  different
        implementation mechanisms and niche advancements in the explainable recommendation area.

        Keywords: Explainable AI; Knowledge Graph; Reinforcement Learning; Language Models

        1. Introduction

           Recommender systems (RS) are algorithms aimed at suggesting relevant items (i.e. movies, books, products,
        etc.) to users based on his/her preferences towards those items (Cosley et al., 2003). They are critical in many
        industries like entertainment, e-commerce, media, and advertisements and pivotal in driving huge revenue for
        organizations. Some of the initial approaches for developing recommender systems were using content-based
        or collaborative filtering-based algorithms. Content-based recommendation is in which a user is recommended
        items that are similar to those that the user liked in the past, whereas collaborative recommendation is where a
        user is recommended items that other users with similar tastes liked in the past (Ricci et al., 2011). One of the
        main issues that these recommender systems  has is the explainability of the recommendations. Though the
        concept of explainable recommendation was formally introduced by Zhang et al. 2014, this concept is not new,
        and  many  other  researchers  (Schafer,  1999;  Herlocker,  2000)  coined  this  idea  earlier.  Schafer  et  al.,  1999
        explained the recommendations reasoning through the customer past relationships with the e-commerce system.
        Herlocker et al., 2000 conducted a study on collaborative filtering algorithms in the MovieLens dataset and
        analyzed the explainability based on user surveys.
           Recently,  a  series  of  AI  regulations  have  entered  into  force,  such  as  the  EU  General  Data  Protection
        Regulation  (GDPR)  and  the  California  Consumer  Privacy  Act  of  2018,  which  emphasize  the  “right  to
        explanation” of algorithmic decisions. Overall, the explainability of AI systems is always an imperative topic.
        This paper is organized to explain past and recent implementation approaches for explainable recommendation
        systems and niche advancements in this area.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [158]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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