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With the advancements in technologies, newer methods like latent factors, MF, and DL have enhanced the
        overall recommendation accuracy. The problem with these models lies in its transparency and explainability.
        The other known issues associated with these algorithms are cold-start and data sparsity. Various state-of-the-
        art technology advancements have been presented in the last few years. The KG can address cold-start, data
        sparsity, and explainability issues associated with the previous methods. RL may assist in identifying the right
        path over the KG for providing better recommendations to the end-user. Language models may assist in building
        a better contextual KG to enhance the overall accuracy of the user recommendations.
           To conclude, these niche technologies have a great scope and will form a base for future research in the
        explainable recommendation area. The research in KG and RL are still in the nascent stages. LM seem to have
        a great scope in the recommendation engine and possess a great interest in the research community.


           This work is supported by the UKM through the Prime Impact Fund under Grant DIP-2020-017.


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        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [161]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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