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P. 221

2. Motion in Mind in Battle Royale Games

           Game refinement theory is derived from the game progress model which is focused on the game speed or
        scoring speed and is used to evaluate the      measure for the game.      measure of various boardgames and
        sports have been evaluated previously which shows that most sophisticated game has a      measure of between
        0.07~0.08, which is called the      zone (Sutiono et al., 2014). Games in this zone are sophisticated games where
        players are engaged and excited for the outcome of the game as its unpredictable. As acceleration in games are
        measured as      , we can now evaluate other physics values as well. Hence, it is estimated that the velocity   
        can be evaluated as the total number of goals G divided by the total shots attempts T. Fig 1 show some of the
        formula used to analyze the games in this paper (Iida & Khalid, 2020). The key points are that the mass   
        signifies the challenge or difficulty of the game while the momentum   1 ⃗⃗⃗  shows the players engagement.

        Fig. 1 List of formulas used in motion in mind theory

           Both PUBG and Fortnite is a third-person shooter with up to 100 players at a time, where the goal of the
        game is to be the last person standing. Players are loaded on a flying vehicle at the start of the game, and they
        will have to choose a place for them to land to start the game. Once they land, they will have to scavenge the
        area to find guns and various other items to help them survive. As the map is quite huge, to ensure that players
        will engage with each other, the play area will gradually shrink throughout the game's duration. This situation
        is done using a game concept called "The Circle" that shows the new play area (also known as the safe area),
        and players will need to move to the new area as soon as possible. Any players outside the safe area will
        gradually take damage and be eliminated if they are there for too long, ensuring that players will meet other
        players as they move to the new area, speed up the game, and leave only one survivor at the end. The circle
        shrinks in fixed time intervals throughout the game, but the new circle's location will be randomized within the
        current circle. For Fortnite, there is a possibility that the new circle might be outside of the current safe area,
        forcing players to take some damage to move to the new safe area. Also, players can loot resources like wood
        and metal in Fortnite, which they can use to build structures such as ladders, walls, and roofs to help provide
        some offensive or defensive edge.
           Unlike PUBG and Fortnite, Fall Guys is not a third-person shooter game but is a more fun take on the Battle
        Royale  genre.  Fall  Guys  is  a  multiplayer  game  where  the  players  must  navigate  through  mini-games  and
        obstacles, like the obstacles in famous shows like "Takeshi's Castle" and "Total Wipeout" (Gene Park, 2020).
        The game starts with 60 players and gradually reduced until only one player is remaining. Players who do not
        make it to the finish line of the obstacles in time or those that got the last place in the  mini game will be
        eliminated. The game lasts about 4 to 6 rounds, and each round has its obstacle course selected randomly.

        3. Findings and Analysis

           To analyze these three games, we will need to formulate the velocity    of each game. As both PUBG and
        Fortnite are similar styled game, we can formulate the    based on the formula for from Fig 1, as shown in Eq.
        1 below. As the play area shrinks in fixed time intervals, we can assume each time the circle shrinks as a round.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [206]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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