Page 95 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 95

Image Compression in Digital Pathology

                                Goh Jee Yuan , Afzan Adam , Zaid Alyasseri
                  a,b,c  Center for Artificial Intelligence Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, UKM 43600 Bangi,
                                              Selangor, Malaysia

        The rise of digital pathology has brought about great conv  enience  to  both  the  public  and  medical  practitioners.  The
        process of diagnosing a patient has now become much more efficient with the aid of digital pathology, which enable the
        managing and diagnosing of pathology slides digitally. At the same time, this has also led to a surge in the amount and size
        of image data generated, as pathology slide images are high in density and zoomable. As the amount of image data increases
        exponentially, it leads to the problem of insufficient storage space and low transfer efficiency across devices, due to the
        image complexity and large image size. This research aims to review the latest image compression algorithm, in an attempt
        to reduce the size of pathology slide images. These microscopic images can get very large as the images can have very large
        dimensions or requires very fine attention to small details. The objective of this research is to investigate the performance
        of some common image compression algorithms when tested on high-density pathological image datasets.
        Keywords: Digital Pathology; Image Compression; High-density Images

        1. Introduction

           The digitization of images has brought upon great convenience to our daily lives as images can now be
        digitized and stored in devices as files that can be easily and readily accessed. These digital images can also be
        easily shared to other devices over the internet to remote places in a matter of minutes. But with the digitization
        process comes the need for storage. All files, whether it be images, videos, texts, etc. takes up space to store, in
        the form of data bytes (Buchholz 1962). As digital imaging advances in quality, the resolution, colour depth and
        detail of such images greatly improves (Tyagi 2018). As such, more bytes are required to preserve the data of
        each individual image,  which causes an exponential increase in image size. This results in the problem of
        insufficient storage on devices and slow transfer speeds across devices, especially for large images due to the
        large volume of data to be transferred (Wu 2006).
           The aim of this research is to look into image compression as a means to reduce image size for ease of storage
        and  transfer,  while  at  the  same  time  maintaining  a  similar  visual  perception  in  the  resulting  image  when
        compared to the original image. Image compression is a form of data compression that is applied on digital
        images to reduce the size of images for storage and transfer. Compression is achieved through the application
        of an algorithm on the digital image data that modifies the data in a way that the data retains a similar visual
        perception but is reorganized in a more storage cost effective solution hence reducing the size of the digital
        image (Rahman 2019).

        2. Methodology

        2.1.    Data acquisition

           The focus of this research is to investigate the performance of some common image compression algorithms
        when tested on high-density pathological image dataset. The dataset is open source and obtained ethically under

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [82]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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