Page 10 - AKSES vol3
P. 10

AKSES                                                 AR TIKEL  PEN Y ELIDIK AN                                               ADV ANCING  KNOWLEDGE  FOR  SUC CESS                       FT SM  UKM

          SUMBER TENAGA INTERNET BENDA                                                                                        DETECTING DYSLEXIA NEURAL-BIOMARKERS PRIVACY-
                                                                                                                              PRESERVING METHOD BASED ON ENCRYPTED MRI DATASET

          Norazuwana Shaari, Azana Hafizah Mohd Aman, Roszita Ibrahim                                                         Opeyemi Lateef Usman, Ravie Chandren Muniyandi, Khairuddin Omar, Mazlyfarina Mohamad
          azana@uk .m y
                                                                                                                              r a vie@uk .m y

          Internet Benda atau lebih dikenali sebagai Internet                                                                 Due  to  the  privacy  sensitivity  of  the  MRI  dataset   The pre-processed MRI datasets are then encrypted
          of  Things (IoT) telah mencipta fenomena peranti                                                                    associated with dyslexia neural-biomarkers, this    using a special moduli set of homomorphic residue
          bersambung   dalam   kegunaan   pelbagai   jenis                                                                    study present a method for detecting dyslexia neural-  number system (HoRNS) encryption scheme, and
          perkhidmatan, proses, dan aplikasi. IoT membolehkan                                                                 biomarkers from the encrypted MRI dataset.  The     the DL classification experiment repeated.  This was
          peranti berhubung dan berkomunikasi antara satu                                                                     proposed modified histogram normalisation (MHN)     accomplished by employing HoRNS to design and
          sama lain untuk berkongsi pelbagai data. Antara                                                                     method ensures the biological interpretability of   develop pixel-bitstream encoder/decoder circuits
          fenomena IoT yang telah berkembang pesat adalah                                                                     neural-biomarker features in all MRI datasets collected   capable of concealing the 7-bit binary value of each
          seperti pengangkutan pintar, penjagaan kesihatan                                                                    from wide-range of publicly available data sources   pixel in the training and testing datasets. The proposed
          pintar, dan rumah pintar. Bagi membolehkan sesuatu                                                                  characterized by inconsistent acquisition parameters.   pixel-bitstream encoder is a combinational circuit
          sistem IoT berjalan lancar, antara perkara yang perlu                                                               We were able to map the intensities of pixels in low-  that requires fewer fast adders, with area complexity
          dititikberatkan adalah  sumber tenaga  peranti  IoT.                                                                quality input images to range between the low-      of 4nAFA and time delay (latency) of (3n+3)DFA for
          Penggunaan tenaga IoT untuk aplikasi pintar seperti                                                                 intensity region of interest and high-intensity region   n3.  The proposed encoder’s FPGA implementation
          grid pintar,  bangunan pintar, dan  pengangkutan                                                                    of interest of the identified high-quality image by   also improves critical path delay by 23.5% and saves
          pintar bergantung pada seni bina IoT. Seni bina ini                   R A JAH  1 .                                  implementing the proposed MHN. This pre-processing   up to 42.4% power.  After encryption, the proposed
          menentukan tahap penggunaan sesuatu sumber                                                                          operation was preceded by the implementation        pre-trained DL models performed significantly
          tenaga, sama ada tinggi atau rendah penggunaannya.                                                                  of image smoothing based on the Gaussian filter     better at distinguishing dyslexia neural-biomarker
                                                                                                                              method with an isotropic kernel of size 4mm. Based   features from normal (control) features.  The results
          Peningkatan penggunaan tenaga yang ketara           Sistem tenaga IoT umumnya perlu mempertimbangkan                on the experiment results, the proposed MHN method   of DL models provide efficient, accurate, and scalable
          disebabkan  oleh pertumbuhan populasi  IoT telah    penyimpanan tenaga, penggunaan tenaga, dan                      outperforms the normalization method of the state-  privacy-preserving predictions, demonstrating that
          membawa cabaran besar kepada penyimpanan            pengurusan tenaga. Antara jenis sumber kuasa                    of-the-art histogram matching.                      CNN models can learn over encrypted datasets.
          tenaga dan pengurusan tenaga sistem IoT. Operasi    sistem IoT adalah, (a) penyimpanan tenaga, (b)
          rumah pintar dan peralatan grid pintar menunjukkan   pengagihan tenaga, dan (c) penuaian tenaga. Sel                                                                    This study investigates the  abilities of CNN to
          kepentingan  mengambil  kira  pengurusan  kawalan   fuel  adalah  salah  satu  contoh  pembekal  tenaga                                                                 distinguish cases of dyslexia from control subjects
          tenaga untuk penjimatan serta mengoptimumkan        alternatif bagi menggantikan bateri yang biasa                                                                      using encrypted neural-biomarker features. Because
          penggunaan tenaga. Begitu juga di dalam penjagaan   digunakan untuk rangkaian peranti IoT tanpa wayar.                                                                  of the educational and medical importance of dyslexia,
          kesihatan, peranti IoT yang diguna pakai oleh pesakit   Sumber tenaga yang dihantar ke rangkaian peranti                                                                this type of  research  becomes  necessary. Figure  2,
          memerlukan bekalan kuasa  yang optimum  dan         IoT tanpa wayar, perlu memperluas kebolehkerjaan                                                                    presents the overview of the system architecture.
          bersesuaian. Peralihan dari sistem IoT yang terpencil   dan menggabungkan antara penyimpanan tenaga,
          kepada aplikasi pintar memerlukan reka bentuk dan   pengedaran, dan teknologi pemulangan seperti yang
          seni bina IoT yang bersesuaian untuk memudahkan     ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 1.
          pengurusan dan kawalan sumber tenaga.
                                                                                                                                                                                 FIGURE  2 .
                                                                                                                                                                                 System Architecture
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