Page 14 - AKSES vol3
P. 14

AKSES                                                AR TIKEL  PEN Y ELIDIK AN                                               ADV ANCING  KNOWLEDGE  FOR  SUC CESS                       FT SM  UKM


          Jamaiah Yahaya, Sazrol Fadzli, Aziz Deraman, Abdul Razak Hamdan, Noor Zaitun Yahaya, Lilia Halim, Mohamed Shahrir Mohamed
          Zahari, Izhar Abadi Ibrahim Rais
          jh y@uk .m y

          Pollution from quarrying activities is one of the   The PRInK  model and  the EELS prototype  increase
          environmental issues in Malaysia. One alternative   society’s awareness about environmental issues
          to control this issue is to increase knowledge and   starting  from  school,  increase  STEM  interest,  and
          awareness to society and younger people. However,   improve the overall quality of life through a shared
          modeling on environmental data concerning          understanding for future generations. Using the
          quarrying activities is not applicable in comprehensive   EELS system, students can appreciate activities at
          knowledge and learning exploration. So a model     the quarry through the phenomenal simulation
          was developed for learning the impact of the quarry   provided. Dust pollution, vibration, and noise by the
          industry on the environment or the PRInK model. It   explosive process in the quarry can be felt and seen
          consists of five main components: Computer-Assisted   by students using the EELS system. In the current
          Learning  (CAL),  Motivational  Level,  Environmental   Covid-19 pandemic, students’ involvement directly in
          Data, Problem Context, and Learning and Knowledge   public and controlled areas such as quarry and mine
          Score. The PRInK model was verified by experts and   in groups must comply with strict Standard Operating
          validated by developing the Environment Educational   Procedures.  Therefore, physical presence is highly
          Learning System (EELS).  The EELS prototype applies   discouraged until this Covid-19 pandemic ends. These
          actual data of dust, vibration, and noise collected   obstacles disrupt the smoothness of the face-to-face
          from the quarry activities. Furthermore, the testing   learning process to see various natural phenomena
          and validation process collaborated with the Malaysia   for learning. The EELS system proposed in this study
          Ministry of Education and secondary school children   provides the best solution to continue learning about
          in Selangor.  The results proved the usability and   environmental disruption by mining activities in
          practicality of the model and showed the increased   quarries.
          STEM  motivation  and  interest  among  the  school
                                                                                                                              In summary, the findings of this research are as follows: -

                                                                                                                                      The green data attributes for environmental objects based on particles, noise, and vibration

                                                                                                                                      Development of the integrated and hybrid model for learning quarry industrial impact on the
                                                                                                                                      environment - PRiNK Model

                                                                                                                                      Design and development of the Environment Educational Learning System prototype for School
                                                                                                                                      Education in Malaysia.

                                                                                                                              Acknowledgment: This research was supported by the UKM Research University Grant – Arus Perdana (AP-2017-005/3)
                                                                                                                              and collaboration with the Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia.
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