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scheduling got least attention to study although it can be the solution of the limitations mentioned above. So
        here is an opportunity to investigate in future about modified block scheduling strategy.

        3. Methods

           There are many studies reported on different surgical strategy. Table-2 represents some studies on different
        scheduling strategy and methods used to solve the SSP in between the year 2016-2020.
        Table 2. Studies on different scheduling strategies and their solving approaches

         Paper                Block    Open      Modified Block   Solution Approach
                              Strategy   Strategy   Strategy
         Zhang et al. (2020)     ✓                              Column-generation-based heuristic
         Khalfalli et al (2020)           ✓                     Adaptive Tabu Search
         Zhu et al (2020)        ✓                              Hybrid Grey Wolf Optimizer - Variable
                                                                Neighbourhood Search
         Behmanesh et al (2019)           ✓                     Fuzzy Pareto envelope-based selection ant
         Lin & Chou (2019)                ✓                     Hybrid genetic algorithm
         Khalfalli et al (2019)           ✓                     Tabu search
         Moosavi et al (2018)    ✓                              MIP-based Local Search Neighborhood
         Wu et al (2018)                  ✓                     Hybrid genetic algorithm -variable
                                                                neighborhood search
         Nyman & Ripon (2018)             ✓                     Simulated Annealing, Genetic algorithm,
                                                                Variable neighbourhood descent
         Xiang (2017)                     ✓                     Ant Colony Optimization
         Guido & Conforti (2017)   ✓                            Hybrid genetic algorithm
         Mateus et al (2017)     ✓                              Local search heuristics
         Beroule et al (2016)             ✓                     Particle Swarm Optimization
         Marchesi et al (2016)   ✓                              Genetic algorithm
         Doulabi et al (2016)             ✓                     Branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm

           Here, we took randomly three studies for five different years and tried to compare which scheduling strategy
        studied more on SSP. Table-2 represents that, in between the year 2016-2020, most of the studies are focused
        on  open  scheduling  strategy  and  some  are  focused  on  block  scheduling  strategy.  However,  no  studies  are
        reported on modified block scheduling strategy. Table-2 also shows that metaheuristics such as tabu search,
        genetic algorithm, simulated annealing, particle swarm optimization etc. are mostly applied for solving both
        strategies. Other than the mention studies, (Liu et al, 2010) considered both open and block scheduling strategies
        and solved by heuristic approach. Although by applying modified block scheduling strategy, the drawbacks of
        other two strategies can be overcome, it is not studied enough.

        3. Conclusion

           Many works are done so far with different scheduling strategies but number of studies differs from year to
        year. For example, until 2010 block strategy got more attention. But now most of the studies focus on open
        scheduling. On the other hand, there is very few studies on modified block scheduling strategy. In real life block
        strategy is more preferable because human resources of surgery can centralize their work but still there is some
        limitations in this strategy. To overcome the problems of block strategy, modified block strategy can be applied
        which is also preferable for the management.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [97]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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