Page 114 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 114

1.1  Constraint-based Modeling Approaches

           Organisms abide by the fundamental of evolution, whereby the fittest organism have more chances to survive
        than the less fit organism. In essence, a particular environment has specific characteristics, for instance, scarce
        resources, oxygen availability, and substrates presence. To be chosen for the next survival, the organisms must
        satisfy  these  constraints,  thus  limits  the  phenotypes.  Therefore,  an  approach  known  as  constraint-based
        modelling (CBM) has been developed. CBM is an approach to investigate the optimality of an organism by
        predicting and describing the metabolic phenotypes (Klamt et al., 2018). The feasible flux distributions space
        is created by constraining the systems, whereby only certain phenotypes are allowed to exist.
           The unconstrained steady-state solution space is underdetermined due to the ratio of reactions typically
        exceeding the number of metabolites; thus a linear equation provides hyperplane that defines the allowable flux
        distributions. As a conclusion, the aim of constraint-based modelling (CBM) is to describe and predict the
        desired  phenotypes  of  an  organism  by  describing  the  metabolic  networks  of  an  organism  using  the
        stoichiometric framework and a series of constraints. Despite the imposition of constraints and steady-state
        assumption, the solutions generated are not limited to a single solution. Rather, the solutions generated are
        limited to the desired phenotypes.
           Generally, there are three well-known approaches under constraint-based modelling methods - flux balance
        analysis (FBA), minimization of metabolic adjustment (MoMA), and regulatory on/off minimization (ROOM).
        Table 1 portrays the characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of each constraint-based approaches as well
        as the applications that have been done.
        Table 1. Summary of Constraint-based Approaches

         Name     Characteristic(s)   Advantage(s)         Disadvantage(s)          Reference(s)
                  - Measure the optimal   - Enable analysis for large   - Under certain   - (Stalidzans et al.,
                  flux value of the desired   systems.     medium/environmental conditions,   2018)
                  objective function.    - Suitable for linear and non-  the effects of regulatory constraints   - (Budinich et al.,
                  - Linear programming.    linear objective functions.    are not accounted.    2017)
         FBA                                               - Presence of multiple optima.
                                    - Able to predict lethality of a
                                    gene.                  - Not able to redesign the metabolic
                  Compare the steady-  - Correctly predict the transient   - Only suitable for the new curate   - (Maia, Rocha and
                  state fluxes after genetic   metabolic states.    model that is not exposed to long-  Rocha 2016)
                  perturbation between                     term evolutionary pressure.
         MoMA     mutant and wild type.                    - The measured optimal flux is not a
                  - Quadratic                              growth coupled.

                  Minimize the number of   - The predicted fluxes are   - Complex due to using binary   - (Tomar and De,
                  significant flux changes   nearer to the experimental data.    variables in the objective function.    2013)
                  between mutant and   - Favor for flux distributions   - Able to find alternative shortest
                  wild type.
         ROOM                       that having high growth rates.    pathways, but these pathways are
                  - MILP            - Able to predict lethality of a   never being evolutionarily found by
                                    gene.                  the organism.

        2. Comparison of Constraint-based Approaches

           In this study, FBA, MoMA and ROOM have been compared with E.coli model for optimizing the production
        of  succinic  acid.  Previously,  a  total  of  8  knocked  out  reactions  resulted  in  higher  performance  in  hybrid

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [101]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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