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algorithm, DSAFBA (Daud et al., 2018). Thus, the best production performance for 8 knocked out reactions
        predicted by FBA, MoMA and ROOM are depicted in the Fig. 2.

                           15.50  15.70   15.46
                 2                                            0.48    0.37   0.35
                               Production rate                     Growth rate
                                            FBA   MOMA    ROOM

        Fig. 2. Comparison of FBA, MoMA and ROOM.
           The results showed that all three approaches could be well applied to produce metabolites, where MoMA
        exhibited  a  relatively  better  performance  in  terms  of  production  rate.  Meanwhile,  FBA  showed  better
        performance compared to MoMA and ROOM in terms of growth rate. MoMA is able to find mutant with highest
        production rate but the production rate is evaluated during the intermediate state of organisms after genetic
        perturbations. On the contrary, FBA predicts the final steady-state of organisms after genetic perturbations.
           After perturbations, the mutant will undergo slight or minimal redistribution before reaching a new steady
        state. MoMA is responsible to minimize the flux differences between mutant and wild type. However, MoMA
        only accurately identify fluxes at the early perturbations stage. Furthermore, this approach only applies to a new
        curated model that is not exposed to long-term evolutionary pressure. Meanwhile ROOM gives predictions
        nearer  to  the  experimental  data.  However,  it  tends  to  modify  and  search  for  shortest  pathways  that  gives
        maximum objective function with respect to the knockout. However, there is low chance that the alternative
        shortest pathways, are never being evolutionarily found by the organism.
           After genetic manipulations, organisms evolve to a new steady-state activity patterns that satisfy constraints.
        FBA able to predicts the optimal long-term evolved state of the cell whereas ROOM and MoMA predicts the
        immediate initial outcome of genetic manipulations. Nevertheless, the cells will evolve from minimized flux
        distribution  state  to  an  FBA  solution  (Fong  et  al,  2005  and  Doshi  et  al.,  2020).  In  other  words,  genetic
        manipulations, first will lead to flux distribution predicted by MoMA and ROOM, then eventually converges
        to solution predicted by FBA.

        3. Conclusion

           Identifying respective reactions for knockout is a difficult and time-consuming process due to the complexity
        of metabolic models (Vasilakou et al., 2016). Furthermore, the complexity of models may lead to different
        combinations of reactions that producing different solutions. Hence, the solutions space become large. FBA is
        the most widely used method in assessing the model, although the other constraint-based approaches have been
        applied to the large metabolic models. This is because, FBA uses linear programming that is easier to apply
        than  MoMA  and  ROOM  which  uses  quadratic  programming  and  mixed-integer  linear  programming,
        respectively. Though the solution provided by FBA is non-unique as it does not consider regulatory effects and
        metabolic concentrations, the existing metabolic networks are still incomplete, such as regulatory and kinetic

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [102]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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