Page 113 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 113

Improving Production Rate and Growth Rate of Mutants: A
               Comparison of Constraint-Based Modeling Approaches

                     Kauthar Mohd Daud , Zalmiyah Zakaria , Zuraini Ali Shah
         a Center for Artificial Intelligence Technology, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600
                                            Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia
          b, c  Artificial Intelligence and Bioinformatics (AIBIG), School of Computing, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
                                         81310 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia
                                         * Email:

        In  silico  metabolic  engineering  is  a  process  to  improve  the  phenotypic  characteristics  by  manipulating  the  genotypic
        elements of an organism. Reaction knockout is one of the genetic perturbation strategies use to analyse the effects in
        optimizing  the  production  rate. The  optimality  of  an  organism  can  be  predicted  and  simulated  using  constraint-based
        modeling (CBM) approaches. In this study, the stoichiometric model of Escherichia coli was examined to improve the
        production of succinic acid. Three well-known CBM approaches, which are Flux Balance Analysis (FBA), Minimization
        of  Metabolic  Adjustment  (MoMA)  and  Regulatory  On/Off  Minimization  (ROOM),  were  compared.  The  comparison
        resulted in a higher production rate predicted by MoMA and higher growth rate by FBA. Regardless, FBA is more stable in
        simulating the reaction knockout as it predicts the final steady-state of organisms after the genetic perturbation.

        Keywords: constraint-based modeling method; reaction knockout; genome-scale metabolic network; in silico metabolic engineering

        1. Introduction

           In the early 1970s, the chemical industry has started to change into modern biotechnologies to fulfil the
        increasing demands of valuable products, for instance, pharmaceuticals, food ingredients and bio-based fuel
        (Maia, Rocha and Rocha, 2016). Advancements in genome sequencing have allow researchers to have insight
        on an organism. Therefore, the term “metabolic engineering” has coined that allow researchers to probe in detail
        the biological elements of an organism, thus gives full capability to exploit the genetic capability of an organism
        for strains improvement. The aims of metabolic engineering are to optimize the metabolism of organisms by
        exploiting and manipulating their metabolic capabilities through modelling. Thus, generates economically and
        industrially viable organisms through optimization and predictive tools.
           In silico metabolic engineering is a scientific domain that integrates with the computational technology to
        allows  faster  simulation  and  design  predictions  of  a  mutant.  It  entails  reconstructing  the  mathematical
        representation of the metabolic network, investigating the effects of genetic perturbations and their relations to
        the  phenotype  characteristics.  Consequent  to  that,  the  development  and  reconstruction  of  genome-scale
        metabolic networks have rapidly grown and to keep up with the huge data, more sophisticated methods and
        algorithms are needed.
           The approaches in metabolic engineering can be divided into two, which are the dynamic approach and static
        approach that varies in metabolic representation whereby dynamic approach uses kinetic modelling and static
        approach uses a stoichiometric matrix to represent the metabolic network (Suthers et al., 2021). Stoichiometric
        models  are  commonly  used  as  modelling  frameworks  compared  to  kinetic  models  as  it  does  not  requires
        difficult-to-obtained  experimental  data  for  parameter  estimation  (Vasilakou  et  al.,  2016).  In  stoichiometric
        models, the biochemical reactions in the metabolic network are represented as a set of stoichiometric equations,
        whereby  the  elements  of  different  metabolites  in  the  metabolic  network  are  denoted  as  stoichiometric
        coefficients in the stoichiometric matrix.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [100]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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