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and their experience on cybercrimes incidences that occurred in their cafés. Lastly, computer security scenarios
        were posed to them to assess their level of understanding of cybersecurity.

        2. Research Methodology

           To achieve this study's objectives, a survey design was used to administer questionnaires directly to the
        respondents at their respective Internet Café by the Researcher. Respondents' consent was sort utilizing a cover
        letter before filling the questionnaire. The letter mentioned the study's purpose, and with contact information of
        the Researcher if the respondent needs further clarification or additional explanation where necessary.
           The introductory part of this paper begins with the study of the existing literature on cybersecurity threats
        and practices affecting Internet Café operations in Sokoto and Kebbi States. Books, academic papers, journals
        and were very significant data sources in this preliminary study. Thereafter, a questionnaire was designed from
        the information gathered through the literature. A survey using a self-administered questionnaire was carried
        out to collect the primary data from the Internet operators based on randomly selected cyber cafés and some
        computer business centers that are rendering the Internet services. The research results are supposed to be an
        accurate reflection of the target population; thus, care was taken when sampling to ensure the validity and
        reliability of the data collected. To minimize bias during data collection, a multi-stage random sample was done
        on the target population. First, select a cybercafé at random, then randomly choose the established cybercafé’s
        respondents. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS v17 tool.
           The Table 1 results of the respondent's demographic factors indicates that there were more male cybercafé
        operators in Sokoto and Kebbi states having 75.0% and 76.2% as compared to female with 25.0% and 23.8%
        respectively. The results also showed that most people operating/managing Internet cafés in Sokoto and Kebbi
        are young people below 33. They account for over 89.3% in Sokoto and 76.2% in Kebbi state. On educational
        qualification, the results indicate that most cybercafé operators in Sokoto State had a Diploma (39.3%) while
        in Kebbi state had Bachelor/HND (47.6%). It is expected that their higher qualification will enable them to have
        a better understanding of cybercrimes. It also shows that 82.1% and 76.2% of the operators in Sokoto and Kebbi
        had undergone computer training, workshop, or seminar, respectively. Moreover, 85.7% of cybercafé operators
        in Sokoto are aware of cybercrime, and 81.0% of the operators in Kebbi were mindful of the existence of the
        cybercrime. Lastly, Table I reveals that respondents from Sokoto and Kebbi metropolises often heard people
        talking or discussing cybercrime issues with 42.8% from Sokoto and 61.9% from Kebbi.

        Table 1. Demographic Profile
           Demographic                        Description             Sokoto          Kebbi
                                                                  N        %       N      %
           Gender                   Male                            21     75      16     76.2
                                    Female                          7      25      5      23.8
           Age                      18 – 22                         11     39.3    6      28.6
                                    23 – 27                         10     35.7    6      28.6
                                    28 – 32                         4      14.3    4      19.0
                                    33 – 37                         1      3.6     1      4.8
                                    38 and above                    2      7.1     4      19.0
           Qualification            Postgraduate                    3      10.7    4      19.1
                                    Bachelor/HND                    8      28.6    10     47.6
                                    Diploma                         11     39.3    2      9.5
                                    SSCE                            6      21.4    5      23.8
           Computer Training        No. of Trained Cybercafé Operators    23   82.1   16   76.2
                                                                    5      17.9    5      23.8
           Cybercrime Awareness     Operators Cybercrime Awareness   24    85.7    17     81.0
                                                                    4      14.3    4      19.0
           Cybercrime Frequency     Very Often                      11     39.3    5      23.8
                                    Often                           12     42.8    13     61.9
                                    Rarely                          4      14.3    1      4.8
                                    Never                           1      3.6     2      9.5

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [111]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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