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3. Analysis of Findings

           To find out whether the cyber café operators have any knowledge about the existence of cybercrimes, two
        questions  in  different  sections  of  the  questionnaire  were  posed  to  them.  The  first  one  in  section  B  of  the
        questionnaire  wanted  to  find  out  whether,  as  a  cybercafé  operator,  he/she  is  aware  of  the  existence  of
        cybercrimes. The second question was posed in section C, and it required the respondent to rate himself/herself
        on a Likert scale of 1 to 5 on the agreement with the statement that "there are risks involved when I am working
        online." On getting the two questions' descriptive statistics, it shows that most cyber café operators in both
        Sokoto and Kebbi acknowledge that there are risks while working online. At the same time majority of the
        respondent, port to be aware of computer crimes. Despite being knowledgeable about computer crime, the
        operators neglected to take active measures to avoid cybercrime and the high risk involved when working
           Table 2, under the Sokoto section, describes how the cyber café operators in Sokoto know about cybercrime.
        89.2% of respondents agreed that there are risks involved whenever they work online, 7.2% disagreed, and
        3.6% were neutral. 78.6% of respondents agreed that they were aware of the various computer cybercrimes
        likely to be exposed to while working online, and only 3% are neutral and disagreed response. Also, 78.6% of
        respondents strongly agreed that it is always advisable to log in as a user rather than an administrator whenever
        going online, 3.6% agreed, and 17.8% were neutral. 46.4% of respondents were agreed that there is no risk in
        using the same password for different accounts or computers; 7.2% are neutral, while 46.4% disagreed. 53.6%
        of respondents agreed that they needed to regularly change their password/frequently to avoid cybercrimes,
        while 35.7% disagreed, 10.7% were neutral. Lastly, 89.2% of respondents agreed that any password they use
        should have at least eight characters, a combination of alphabets, digits & symbols, and 3.6% each were neutral
        and disagreed.
           The Kebbi section of Table 2 indicates that 90.4% of the respondents agreed that there are risks involved
        whenever they work online, while 4.8% were disagreed and neutral. 85.7% of respondents agreed that they were
        aware of the various computer cybercrimes likely to be exposed to while working online, 9.5% were neutral,
        and 4.8% have disagreed. Also, 80.9% of respondents agreed that it is always advisable to log in as users rather
        than an administrator whenever going online, 4.8% disagreed, and 14.3% were neutral. 38.1% of respondents
        agreed that there is no risk using the same password for different accounts or computers; 33.3% disagreed 28.6%
        were neutral. 66.7% of respondents decided to regularly change their password/frequently to avoid cybercrimes,
        while 4.7% disagreed, and 28.6% were neutral. Lastly, 90.5% of respondents agreed that any password they use
        should have at least eight characters, which should be a combination of alphabets, digits & symbols, and 9.5%
        of respondents were neutral. Therefore, it shows that most cyber café operators from Sokoto and Kebbi know
        about cybercrime, but they take minimum protection of their computer systems from cybercrime.

        Table 2.  Knowledge about Cybercrimes from Cyber Café operators
           State   Statement                              State  Number of Respondent/Percentage (%)
                                                          ment    Agree   Neutral   Disagree
                                                          No.   (%)       (%)       (%)
           Sokoto   There are risks involved whenever I am working online.   Q1   25 (89.2)   1 (3.6)   2 (7.2)
                   I am aware of the various cybercrimes I am likely to be   Q2   22 (78.6)   3 (10.7)   3 (10.7)
                   exposed to while working online.
                   It is always advisable to log in as a user rather than an   Q3   22(78.6)   5 (17.8)    1 (3.6)
                   administrator whenever going online.
                   There is no risk in using the same password for different   Q4   13 (46.4)   2 (7.2)   13 (46.4)
                   I need to change my password regularly/frequently.   Q5   15 (53.6)   3 (10.7)   10 (35.7)
                   Any password I use should have at least eight characters,   Q6   25 (89.2)   1 (3.6)   2 (7.2)
                   a combination of alphabets, digits & symbols.
           Kebbi    There are risks involved whenever I am working online.   Q1   19 (90.4)   1 (4.8)   1 (4.8)
                   I am aware of the various computer crimes I am likely to   Q2   18 (85.7)   2 (9.5)       1 (4.8)

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [112]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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