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Web Based Information System  Of

                   Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

                             Novrini Hasti *, Sekar Rhiandari Graitasadu
                         a,b Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Jl. Dipatiukur No. 112, Bandung, 40132, Indonesia
                                       * Email:


        Currently the world has recognized a technology called the internet. With a global network, the internet can be accessed 24
        hours a day. The world of education is also inseparable from this advancement in information technology. To improve
        education quality standards and graduate quality standards, TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) was held. The
        purpose of this research is to design and apply a web-based registration information system, scheduling, test execution and
        TOEFL  test  result  validation  processes.  This  is  done  so  that  the  initial  registration  process,  schedule  selection,  test
        implementation and the process of validating the test results become faster and easier. In this research, the systems approach
        method used is the object-oriented systems approach, with several tools and working techniques using UML which consists
        of use cases, activity diagrams, class diagrams, sequence diagrams and deployment diagrams. For the system development
        method using the Prototype method. The programming language used in designing and implementing the system is the CI
        programming language and the database used is MySQL.

        Keywords: information system; object oriented method; prototype method

        1. Introduction

           One of the English language test models used to measure the ability of a person whose English is not used
        as native language is the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) (Sharpe, 2007). Now, TOEFL is used
        in many countries as a university entry requirement. The need for TOEFL around the world is increasing (Nasir
        et al., 2019).
           In this era of globalization, the quality of human resources is the key to competitiveness between countries.
        To take an active role in relations between countries globally, it is required to be involved in communication
        skills, especially in English. The logical consequence is that many foreign workers will visit and even look for
        work in Indonesia. In this case, Indonesia must immediately prepare human resources who are able to speak
        English actively (Shobikah, 2017).
           To improve education quality standards, a study program in university really needs information that can
        facilitate university academic activities, especially issues of registration, scheduling and validation. Especially
        the process of the TOEFL. As one of the requirements, the TOEFL score will determine whether a student will
        graduate or not. To facilitate students in all TOEFL processes, universities must improve their services in this
           There are several problems that occur in connection with the implementation of the TOEFL. To register for
        the TOEFL, students must come to the secretariat of the study program with a form and a photo. The form must
        be filled in regarding student registration data, test schedule and payment of the test. In addition, students must
        also come to campus to see the results of the test. To validate test results students must meet the coordinator of
        the study program. The test is carried out in an English literature study program that has not been computerized.
        The scoring system and score calculations are still done manually using a CAT machine to correct it. The things
        above resulted in ineffective and inefficient implementation of the TOEFL.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [10]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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