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After the transaction is complete, the user can view the purchase history to the admin by submitting the e-KTP
        as user identity.
           Electronic Identity Card (e-KTP) is a modern card made based on RFID (radio frequency identification).
        This card, both in terms of physical and usage, has a computerized function. Each e-KTP has a different unique
        code that will be read using an RFID reader and processed by a microcontroller. Furthermore, the data will be
        compared with data registered in the database. (Fajri, & Oktaviana, 2019). The e-KTP program in Indonesia
        began in 2009 with the designation of four cities as national pilot projects. The four cities are Padang, Makassar,
        Yogyakarta and Denpasar.
           The use of fingerprint identification as data validation during financial transactions or when payments are
        made. AS608 Optical Fingerprint is a finger scanner. How AS608 works: finger is placed on the surface of the
        glass prism and light occurs through the face of the other prism. The angle of incidence is greater than the
        critical angle and therefore all light is actually reflected internally from the troughs of the finger. However, the
        ridge absorbed most of the light. In this way the valley appears bright and the ridge dark. This results in a high
        contrast fingerprint image.

        3. Results and discussion

        3.1. Hardware Testing

           Tests carried out on a payment system using e-KTP based on Radio Frequency Identification apply Visual
        Basic.Net and Arduino testing, where tests were carried out on the application. The trick is to test whether the
        functions contained in the tool have functioned as desired. From the results of the tests carried out, all the sub
        blocks and the system work well. In Table 1, a list of Payment System Testing using e-KTP is shown.

        Table 1. List of Payment System Testing Using e-KTP

                            Test item    Data tested
                            Login admin   Enter your ID and password
                            Registration   Registering user data
                            Payment      Change data and add balances
                            Purchase history   Reducing the balance according to the price of the goods

        3.2. Testing on the Software Interface

           Testing the software interface is done using a computer by opening Visual Basic.Net which functions as an
        interface from the system to the user. Furthermore, to be able to display payment results, customers or buyers
        must visit the cashier who manages the application. After successfully registering and filling the balance, the
        customers / buyers can make a payment. Figure 2 shows the payment interface.
           The purpose of the Admin testing is to ensure that the admin function is running correctly when the admin
        updates data and adds user balances. Admin testing can be seen in Figure 3 as updating data and filling balances.

        4. Conclusion

        The  resulting  hardware  system  successfully  reads  and  receives  data  input  from  the  e-KTP  and  fingerprint
        validation. The system built successfully registers user data. The system was successfully built to increase and
        decrease the balance according to the simulation of the price of goods. The resulting system can store data,
        balances and transaction history of the user. The resulting system can show data and balances via admin, then

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [8]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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