Page 229 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 229

                                               ′(  ) =   (  )                                                                     (1)
                                                 =                                                                           (2)
                                                =                                                                            (3)
                                                = 2                                                                                   (4)
                                          =      = (1 −  )                                                                   (5)

           Based on previous study by Iida and Khalid (2020), it was found that GR and AD of Basketball game was
        0.073 and 0.046, respectively. These values indicate that basketball can be categorized as sophisticated and
        highly engaging game (Naying et al. 2020). In this study, the rule change and analysis of the game process
        information of professional basketball games were analyzed. Different motion in mind measures between strong
        and weak teams were also analyzed based on such measures.
        2. Motion in Mind and National Basketball Association (NBA) Game Analysis

           From  the  previous  database  on  the  rules  (
        history.pdf) and data collected these decades (, both GR and AD values evolution were
        approaching the reasonable zones (GR of [0.07, 0.08] and AD of [0.045, 0.06]) implying that the game rules
        becomes more reasonable and sophisticated over the years, which explains the reason for basketball popularity
        over the decades (Figure 1 (left)). To further analyse the game process of NBA team, the competition between
        the Milwaukee Bucks (Rank 2) against the New York Knicks (Rank 26) was adopted. Preliminary analysis
        indicates that there is a moment in the game scoring that makes one of the team “overpowering” its opponent
        decades (Figure 1 (right)). However, such measures may be unreliable in some cases (i.e., tied game). As such,
        motion in mind measures were utilized to analyse the game process.

        Fig.1. GR and AD trends over the recent decades of rule changes (left) and the score differences between two NBA teams in a competition
        that indicates there is a moment of “turning point” between win/lose the game (right)

            Based on the v measures, the Milwaukee Bucks approached v = 0.5 quickly and capable enough to keep
        about v = 0.52. While the New York Knicks' velocity also approached v = 0.5 quickly, they cannot keep the
        velocity, which was overpowered in a brief time where the v = 0.43. Meanwhile, Milwaukee Bucks and New
        York Knicks' forces are both located at 0.004 at the end of the process, and the tendency of force is almost
        similar when the game ends. In physics, a force is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion
        of  an  object.  We  used  force  to  measure  the  interaction  and  adhesion  between  players  with  games  on  the
        psychological side, and we can see after these decades will be approached to a similar force zone. As the game
        progresses, our curiosity decreases, and our inertia increases; thus, our adhesion between players and the game
        decrease.  It  is  reasonable  to  finish  the  basketball  game  when  the  force  is  located  at  0.004;  if  the  play  is
        prolonged, the force will be too small to attract players.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [214]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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