Page 230 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 230

However, the force of a strong team at the beginning of the game process is much higher than the weak team,
        which means adhesion between the game and the (strong) team is higher than the weak team during the game
        process. The notion of conservation of energy is proposed in this study to justify such conjectures.

        Fig. 2. The velocity (left) and force (right) of competition game between Milwaukee Bucks versus New York Knicks

        3. Energy Conservation and Play Expectation Gap

           In this study, objective momentum, given by (3), is regarded as the actual motion to play the game (P-1).
        Based on the analogy of energy conservation, the notion of subjective momentum can be derived from the
        expected motion of play (P2) by considering the relations of (3) and (4), then the subjective momentum can be
        defined as (6).  Such a measure is considered to represent the gap between concentration and expectation of
        play experience.
                                                = 2     −       (6)

           After analysis, the momentum P1 of Milwaukee Bucks and New York Knicks are in 1/4 at the end of the
        process,  and  the  strong  team  approached  1/4  in  a  short  time  and  kept  the  most  reasonable  momentum  to
        concentrate on the game in a long time (Figure 3). However, the weak team's momentum needs to take longer
        to  locate  around  1/4,  which  means  the  weak  team  needs  to  use  longer  steps  to  concentrate  on  the  game.
        Simultaneously, the strong team spent shorter steps to let Ep stable and located in 1/4, a strong team can reach
        his expectation quickly, but the weak team needs to spend a longer time. A strong team has a higher Ep value
        than a weak team, which means that a strong team has high expectations.

        Fig 3: The objective momentum (P 1), subjective momentum (P 2), and potential energy (E p) measures between Milwaukee Bucks versus
        New York Knicks

           Furthermore, the P2 of Milwaukee Bucks changes from positive (0.008), and the momentum of the New
        York Knicks is always negative (-0.031). The P2 of a strong team is higher than the weak team, which means
        that the strong team has a high risk-taking engagement, and the process of a strong team is fascinating. The

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [215]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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