Page 77 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 77

Security Assessment for Education Websites in
                                            Saudi Arabia

                           Almirabi Anas Anwar M , Mohd Zamri Murah *
                                 a,b  Pusat Keselamatan Siber, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
                                           * Email:


        Many  educational  institutions use educational  websites to improve teaching and learning. How- ever,  these  educational
        websites are open to cyberattacks. In this paper, we proposed a framework to access the cyber readiness of educational websites.
        We used education websites in Saudi Ara bia as a case study.  The framework consists of four phases:  Reconnaissance,
        Enumeration,  Scanning,  Vulnerability  Assessment,  and  Content  Analysis.  The  reconnaissance  phase  uses  OSINT
        technology, Enumeration and Scanning uses Nmap, Vulnerability Assessment using automated scanning tools, and Content
        Analysis uses SSL tools. In our case study, we evaluated 12 Saudi Arabia educational websites. Our result indicated that
        cyber readiness for the 12 websites varies. We  found  many  cybersecurity  issues  among  the  websites,  such  as  outdated
        operating systems, unnecessary open ports, improper running services, a high number of web vulnerabilities, and low-grade
        SSL implementation.  These issues, if not remedied, would provide a high probability of successful  cyber  attacks  from

        Keywords: web security, security assessment, penetration testing

        1.  Introduction

           As more educational institutions seek to offer online learning and services, education web- sites have grown
        increasingly  important  (Mburano  &  Si,  2018). These  websites,  on  the  other  hand, are attractive targets for
        cyberattacks for a variety of reasons. To begin with, distinguishing between a legitimate and malicious user is
        difficult. When a user interacts with a website, data is exchanged, and determining malicious data or exchange
        can be difficult. Second, web applications have grown in complexity and become more vulnerable to security
        flaws.  Hackers could take advantage of these flaws to gain access to the system. Thirdly, design flaws, incorrect
        configuration, and a lack of updates can all lead to vulnerabilities. Fourth, educational institutions are frequently
        targeted by hackers because they are easily exploitable and contain a wealth of valu-able information. Data
        leakage, loss of privacy, financial effect, and loss of consumer trust are all consequences of cyberattacks. For
        these reasons, websites should be prepared for cyberattacks with a high level of cybersecurity readiness (Shah
        & Mehtre, 2014).
           This study presents a framework for assessing cyber readiness for educational websites. As a case study,
        we  looked  at  educational  websites  in  Saudi  Arabia.  We  could  detect  threats  and vulnerabilities using the
        framework and make recommendations to increase the cyber resilience of websites.
           In Saudi Arabia, there has been an increase in demand for online educational websites. Every Saudi citizen
        has free  access to  public  education from  primary school to college.  Education is Saudi Arabia’s second-
        largest government expenditure, accounting for 8.8% of the country’s gross domestic product (Alotaibi, 2013).
        However, there is currently no study on the level of cyber readiness of educational websites in Saudi Arabia.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [64]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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