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w7      -          M(1) I(23)     M(1) I(1)
                     w8      -          I(8)           H(4) M(2) L(4) I(7)
                     w9      -          M(1) L(1) I(30)   M(18) L(11) I(32)
                     w10     -          H(7) M(6) I(17)  I(1)
                     w11     -          H(1) I(25)     H(851) M(3016) L(467) I(504)
                     w12     -          H(2) M(1) I(27)  H(22) M(58) L(11) I(31)

        4.  Conclusion
           In summary, the cyber security readiness of Saudi Arabia’s 12 educational websites varies. A number of
        websites are still using outdated operating systems, and as a result they are more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Sites
        which are not only open, but have open ports could be utilised for remote executions and buffer overflows. Those
        websites that have higher levels of vulnerability are prone to cyberattacks. A measure of the overall severity of
        the vulnerabilities dictates which cyber  issues  need  to  be  corrected  and  which  can  be  ignored.  The  proper
        installation  of  SSL  is  absolutely  essential  for  websites  that  handle  sensitive  data.  Using  the  suggested
        framework, we can use this to evaluate the cyber readiness of other educational websites. The defence plans
        outlined in these assessments will prove to be invaluable in the event of future cyberattacks.

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        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [67]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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