Page 70 - AKSES vol3
P. 70

AKSES                                                AK TIVITI  PEN Y ELIDIK AN                                              ADV ANCING  KNOWLEDGE  FOR  SUC CESS                       FT SM  UKM

          PROJEK RINTIS APEL (Q) DI PUSAT KESELAMATAN SIBER                                                                   ENGAGING 4IR WOMEN WITH CYBER SAFE LIFESTYLES

          Rossilawati Sulaiman                                                                                                Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, Umi Asma’ Mokhtar, Fariza Fauzi, Noor Faridatul Ainun Zainal, Azura Ishak, Shahrina Shahrani, Masnizah Mohd,
          r ossila w a ti@uk .m y                                                                                       Zulaiha Ali Othman, Khairul Akram Zainol Arifin, Mohd Syazwan Baharuddin, Nazura Abdul Manap, Adawiyah Ismail, Azianura Hani Shaari, Atikah
                                                                                                                              Kadri, Nor Idayu Adnan, Hafizah Yahya, Azah Anir Norman, Sarah Khadijah Taylor, Siti Baizura Binti Mohd Yusof, Nor Rejalinawati Binti Kamaludin, Raja
                                                                                                                              Jamilah Raja Yusof
                                                                                                                              snhsabdullah@uk .m y

          Pusat Keselamatan Siber telah terpilih untuk menjalankan projek rintis Apel Q bersama-sama Pusat Kualiti UKM,       The COVID19 pandemic has altered almost entirely our daily life activities. Internet- and technology-dependent
          dan pihak Agensi Kelayakan Malaysia (MQA). Menurut MQA, Apel (Q) merupakan penganugerahan kelayakan melalui         community engage in an average of 3 hours online. According to the Digital Report 2021, there were 27.43 million
          penilaian berdasarkan pengalaman pembelajaran calon yang lalu. Penilaian perlu dibuat secara formal untuk menjaga   internet users in Malaysia in January 2021. The percentage of female internet populations is 45.7% as of August
          integriti dan kredibiliti penganugerahan kelayakan yang diberi. Untuk projek rintis ini, penilaian perlu dilakukan bagi   2020. At the same time, Malaysia Royal Police (PDRM) Statistics recorded just a slight decrement (17.11%) in
          menentukan samada calon layak untuk dianugerahi Sarjana Keselamatan Siber.  Syarat minimum untuk dianugerahi        approximately RM413,120,732.50 for 2020 compared to RM498,424,623.18 for 2019. Similarly,  statistics recorded
          Sarjana ialah 20 tahun pengalaman dalam bidang berkaitan.
                                                                                                                              from 1 Jan until 8 June for 2020 and 2021, approximately RM 179,156,701.84 and RM 146,459,469.64, respectively,
          Berikut merupakan beberapa jenis penilaian yang perlu                                                               which is still considered trivial decrement of 22.33% (Figure1). In some cases, an immense amount of money
          dilengkapkan oleh calon:                                                                                            was transacted out of Malaysia using multiple inactive sold accounts capsized by the cyber-criminal, which has
          •   Penilaian Portfolio                                                                                             returned defeat to the country. Women are also known for their purchasing power. Another negligence is that
                                                                                                                              women tend to be unmindful towards purchasing fraud. An online consumer can unknowingly disclose private
          •   Penilaian Lapangan                                                                                              data while communicating through a chatbot provided by man-in-the-middle hackers instead of the actual
                                                                                                                              reseller service. On top of that, cloud usage has become favorable to all users whereby centralized information or
          •   Penilaian Ujian Cabaran (mengikut keperluan calon)                                                              software is kept in the cloud to ease mobility and resolve data or application sharing through the remote database.

                                                                                                                              However, some digital information such as usernames or passwords is at risk of being extracted without proper
          Setelah lulus ketiga-tiga penilaian ini, calon dibenarkan                                                           understanding and usage in any malicious activity event.  ME Saad et al. (2019) also reported about 431 cases from
          melengkapkan kursus Capstone, iaitu projek disertasi                                                                2274 love scam cases in 2017 shared similar demography: women who received Parcel as the modus operandi and
          yang bernilai 12 unit.                                                                                              working from private companies and married.  Another second big similar demography scenario mentioned that
                                                                                                                              about 412 cases are from Malay married women. At the same time, the third population with 382 cases are Chinese
          Untuk tujuan ini, FTSM telah melantik pasukan yang                                                                  women working in private companies victimized using parcel sending. On the other hand, women aged from 25
          terdiri daripada Penasihat Pelajar (Ketua Pusat), JK                                                                until 45-year-old are also actively targeted by love scammers, that number of cases states around 230 to 320.
          Penilai (diketuai oleh  Timbalan Dekan Akademik), dan                                                                                                                   Gadgets, mobile phones, personal computers have
          JK Moderasi (diketuai oleh Penyelaras Pengajaran dan                                                                           Total                                    become hot sales to envisage a rapid and effective
          Pembelajaran Pusat). Penasihat akan menyelia pelajar                                                                  E- Commerce ( On-Line
                                                                                                                                   Purchasing)                                    communication lifestyle underlying community
          sehingga pelajar selesai menjalani projek disertasi. JK
                                                                                                                                419 Scam (Love Scam)                              wellness and prosperity. Hence, individuals need to be
          Penilai ditugaskan untuk membina rubrik penilaian yang
                                                                                                                                   E- Financial Fraud                             well-equipped with relevant cyber skillsets to hinder
          mempunyai indicator serta pemberat bagi setiap elemen
                                                                                                                               Telecommunication Fraud                            unknown cybercrime acts.  The advancement of
          yang akan dinilai. Rubrik ini disemak kesesuaiannya oleh                                                                (Online/SMS)                                    technology revolutionized every six months embeds
          JK Moderasi.                                                                                                          233 AKM (Social Media)                            and  prioritizes  more  cybersecurity  functionalities
                                                                                                                                Personal Data Protection
          Calon perlu mengemukakan satu portfolio berdasarkan Hasil Pembelajaran Program (HPP) dengan bekerjasama rapat                     0%   20%  40%   60%  80%  100%        aligned with data privacy and protection compliance.
          dengan Penasihat. Portfolio ini mengandungi pengalaman berserta dengan pembuktian keterlibatan calon, semasa                      Personal  233 AKM  Telecommuni  E- Commerce  Unfortunately,  women’s  negligence  in  educating
                                                                                                                                                              419 Scam
                                                                                                                                            Data  (Social  cation Fraud  E- Financial  (Love Scam)  ( On-Line  Total
          bekerja dalam bidang yang berkaitan dengan Keselamatan Siber. Seterusnya, portfolio ini  akan dinilai oleh JK penilai   Q2 (1 Jan- 8 June) Loss (RM) 2020  Protection  Media)  (Online/SMS)  13593427.52 22920760.73 17830941.57 179156701.8  themselves on cybersecurity functions led to
                                                                                                                               Q2 (1 Jan- 8 June) Loss (RM) 2021  291946.42  3540  81213398.29 17980927.84 24030865.55 22938791.54 146459469.6
          berdasarkan rubrik penilaian yang dibangunkan. Keputusan penilaian ini mencerminkan tahap pencapaian HPP calon,      Yearly Loss (RM) 2019a  213618.62  15702.48  254787502.9 136256782.9 79115430.37 28049188.32 498424623.2  many undesirable events that affect their physical,
                                                                                                                               Yearly Loss (RM) 2020b
                                                                                                                                                    287347085.9 25635220.69 58335797.29 41337378.48 413120732.5
          yang mana kekuatan dan kelemahan calon dapat dinilai bagi menentukan keperluan dalam ujian cabaran yang seterusnya.                                                     emotional, and mental health.
          Penilaian lapangan dilakukan oleh JK Penilai dengan melawat tempat kerja calon dan melakukan pemerhatian terhadap   A special program for women in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution entitled 4IR Women Cybercrime-Free is
          aktiviti calon ditempat kerja, termasuklah hubungan calon dengan pegawai atasan, pekerja bawahan, dan rakan sekerja.   organized and targeted for career women and homemakers. Our mission is to nurture about 200 to 400 women
          Sewaktu PKP, penilaian dilakukan secara dalam talian.                                                               with cybersecurity skillset essentials to suppress the cybercrime rate where the victims are women. With the tagline
                                                                                                                              “Aware, Avoid and Act”, UKM also provides several human security courses tailored for the general public. This
          Semasa laporan ini dibuat, calon pelajar telah lulus ketiga-tiga penilaian ini, dan langkah terakhir adalah         underpinning program aims to create awareness on cybercrimes, how to avoid them by taking simple actions such
          melengkapkan kursus Capstone. Semoga pelajar lulus cemerlang dan dapat dianugerahi Sarjana Keselamatan              as best practices, preventive measures, and psycho-spiritual-strengthening in case of fallen victim to cybercrimes.
          Siber dari FTSM.                                                                                                    This professional courses outcomes are to introduce cybercrimes to the public that can threaten our daily lives.
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