Page 28 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
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problems,  the  company  needs  an  information  system  that  regulates  the  distribution  system  to  run  more
        efficiently and the data is well organized.
           This study aims to build an information system with the ability to manage data and present the required
        information. The results of this study is an information system that is used to help provide solutions to problems
        that often arise in the process of distributing products. The proposed information system can solve the problem
        of making a company passport. The web-based information system in product distribution will automatically
        save the data distribution in the database. The products delivery confirmation process  can be done by  the
        consignee himself. The proposed information system can provide reports automatically. The availability of
        information  system  will  improve  the  facilitate  of  administrative  procedures,  increase  efficiency  employee,
        improve output, and save time and money (Theorin et al., 2017).

        2. Methods

           In the design of information systems, it is necessary to use a methodology that can be used as a guideline
        for how and what to do during the manufacture of information systems. In this study, the systems approach
        method  used  is  a  structured  approach  method  and  the  method  of  developing  systems  using  the  prototype
        development method.
           A structured approach is a method of approach that is equipped with the tools and techniques needed in
        system development in order to obtain a structure based on a good and clear understanding (Ensour and Alinzi,
        2014). The structured approach method is a method used to clearly define the system structure. Besides that,
        the structured approach method provides a clear picture of the data flow and describes the activities in detail
        (Kadir and Triwahyuni, 2013). The tools used in a structured approach include: flow maps, context diagrams,
        data flow diagrams (DFD), data dictionaries, and data design (normalization and table relations).
           Systems development is preparing a new system in order to replace the old system or to revise the current
        system (Hartono, 2005).  The system development method used is prototype method. Prototyping is an approach
        that  creates  a  model  that  shows  the  features  of  a  product,  service,  or  proposed  system  (Hartono,  2005).
        Prototyping  is  a  method  in  system  development  that  can  perform  initial  testing  so  that  the  system  can  be
        evaluated. Prototyping provides facilities for system developers to identify unmet needs and difficulties in using
        the  system  by  interacting  with  each  other  between  system  developers  and  users  during  the  manufacturing

        3. Results and Discussion

           a.  Previous Research
              Other  studies  are  needed  to  complement  current  research  in  developing  system  as  guidances  and
              comparison. The author uses two previous studies including:
              1.  Susan Dian Purnamasari, Maulana, and Fatoni entitled Web Service-Based Products Distribution
                  Information System. This research was conducted at PD Panca Motor Palembang, which is engaged
                  in automotive dealerships, with branches spread across several regions. The previous process of
                  distributing products was by sending products to several branches that were out of stock. In data
                  processing, this company has used Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. The application
                  is not integrated with the branches, so it is not effective in exchanging information on products that
                  only use the telephone. For this reason, a web service-based information system is built that can
                  help and simplify the process of exchanging information flows (Sitanggan and Kusumaningrum,
              2.  Damayanti entitled Information Systems for the Distribution of Welding and Advertising Using the
                  SCM  Model.  The  research  was  conducted  at  Sahal  Jaya  Teknik,  a  company  engaged  in  the
                  manufacture of storefronts, canopies, ceilings, fences, and household furniture using aluminum and
                  iron. The process of requesting goods from companies to suppliers still uses the telephone and the

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [16]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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