Page 30 - The-5th-MCAIT2021-eProceeding
P. 30

Fig. 2. Main Menu Display

           The company passport menu displays, adds, change and delete road mail data. The display of the company
        passport menu can be seen in Figure 3.

        Fig. 3. Company Passport Display

        4.    Conclusion

           Based  on  research  that  has  been  carried  out  through  analysis  and  design,  the  proposed  distribution
        information system can solve the problem of making a company passport, can store distribution data in the
        database, the process of confirming the shipment of products can be done by the recipient of the products
        themselves, and reporting can be done automatically so it doesn't take a long time.

        E- Proceedings of The 5th International Multi-Conference on Artificial Intelligence Technology (MCAIT 2021)   [18]
        Artificial Intelligence in the 4th Industrial Revolution
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